Is it possible to be in love with a book? This is one that I have been pouring though for the last few weeks. It's so inspiring!
Beadwork Inspired by Art: Art Nouveau Jewelry and Accessories
from Judith Durant and Jean Campbell features 12 projects inspired by the designs of Art Nouveau. Each project has been inspired by a design from the time period, not only paintings but the architecture too which adds depth to some very interesting jewelry elements. Along with the projects, they write about the art work that inspired the piece and offer all sorts of helpful hints and tips along the way.
The projects focus on beadwork, but there are also designs for wire-wrapping and stringing. Most of the beadwork projects are smaller components that would be easy for a beginner to follow along and learn some of the basic techniques. The beaded vase inspired by Gustav Klimt's painting, "The Embrace" is simply amazing!
This would be a great book to use for inspiration. Like our monthly challenges, I'd love to go through each project and create my own design from the Art Nouveau art work. If you look for bead books that offer much more than a how-to, this is one to add to your collection!
damn! this sounds so perfectly me I must go buy it, I'm meant to be saving all my pennies for a big blow out week long art retreat.... which is not until May but with all this talk of bead cruising I'm hanging on just bearly. Ok I'm over it I just spend no matter what... Thanks for the heads up!
WooHoo! Another book for my collection! I gather books like beads, I think! And my friend LOVES vintage designs, this will be great for her! Psst: check out soulhumming.typepad.com & read about her book: A Charming Exchange It sounds great too! Teri
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