Getting the word out on your bead and jewelry business can be a chore. When are you going to have time to do marketing? But take heart, Virginia - there is a way to market in little bits at a time and like cream cheese on a bagel, a little bit can go a long way!
What's a little bit of marketing? Twitter.
What's Twitter you ask?
It's a social broadcasting tool that answers the question, What are you doing?
How do you do it?
Sign up for twitter to start "tweeting." A tweet is a 140 character or less update of what you're up to. It's like texting to a group of people instead of just one person. Your tweet is broadcast to anyone who is following you and on the public timeline
You can tweet from your desktop, your laptop and even text it!
So get the word out on your business - Twitter it Out Loud!
If you are already twittering or just signed up, share your id with us to connect to other jewelry/bead twitters. Mine is http://www.twitter.com/humblebeads
I'm twittering! My name on Twitter is Nycteris, and my jewelry is at glimmerville.etsy.com
(You may think it's confusing to use two different online IDs, but Nycteris came first - and doesn't sound like a jewelry store.)
I just joined Twitter a couple weeks ago - really enjoying it. I'm http://www.twitter/melissajlee
Thanks for the information. I don't Twitter yet! Who knows, maybe soon!
So has anyone really had any luck with Twitter as a marketing tool? Because I'm not finding any of these social networking tools to be helping me at all with my business :( I've got a blog, Facebook, and Flickr and jewelry still isn't moving. It's very disheartening.
I didn't know about Twitter. Thanks for the info. I'll have to look into it! Thanks!
Been doing it. Haven't sold anything from there, but have picked up a lot of followers. About one a day!
I've found it to be a great resource for random questions/answers...
I'm @daniellenelson
I find it entertaining to read. It's all so random.
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