Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Findings Worth Finding: Vintage Enamel Flowers

Hello spring, goodbye self-control:

Head on over to Sleeping Dog Studio's Etsy shop for these sets and many more! I know I couldn't resist a certain teal blue collection.


rosebud101 said...

Those are great! I better go and check things out!

Alice said...

Oh, sweet! My wallet is empty, but that's what a credit card is for!

Thanks for sharing!!!!!


Katie said...

Lovely (but evil) post...I ended up buying some flowers this morning :o) Just what my stash needs - more beads...But who can resist???

Anonymous said...

Oh my those are to die for!! Cannot wait to see what you do with them!

Gaea said...

Those are so much fun! Great find!

TesoriTrovati said...

Goodbye self funny!
So fresh and new yet so old and aged. Perfect!
Thanks for sharing your secret sources! Enjoy the day! Erin

JenniferJangles said...

Wow! Those are super cool....I am thinking they would go with some of my beads...I am going shopping.

Wendy B. said...

well, i am delirious to find this blog. how nice of you to have my crazy little ideas spread all over the world. i thank you for your interest and if you suffer as i do... it will be an obsession sooner than later. your blog is now bookmarked and i shall be checking in for other cool things. just when i thought i could control my obsession a little... fresh eyes will be prodding me into new territories. sigh.

xowendy(aka, and
thank you for all.

Heather Powers said...

Glad I could help everyone lighten their wallet and fill up their bead tray!

Wendy your shop is awesome, thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Hello Heather, my name is Cynthia, I am from Argentina.
I would like to know where I can buy the enamel flowers. Thanks.