Last weeks winner is Lucid Moon Studios! Congratulations! You have won one of Lynn's goodies! Send Lynn an email and she will get it right out to you.
Welcome to the Studio of Cindy Gimbrone!

It's 2010 and time to re-organize and let go of the old. It's time for the new! As you can see, I've gotten rid of the old picture and have a new one. So, my studio is in mid-cleaning as I host a huge clearance/seconds sale today.

Time to clear out the old beads and create new ones. I've got lots of ideas running around in my head.
So today's question is: Are you cleaning out and making way for the new?
Leave a comment and you will be entered to win a Double Dip in Ivory.

i guess i have been clearing out~beads that is :D using what i have so i can refresh my stash~
what i really need to work on is clearing out the ' house hold stuff' that serves no purpose but to collect dust and be messy-lol
enjoy your day
many thanks
tabby :D
Yes! I sure am cleaning out the old and making way for the new. It is so exciting to use up some pieces and beads that I have had for a long time!
I am a confessed bead hoarder!!!
I am moving my older stuff from my work shelves to the back of my closet.
That should make room for lots of new beads!
Does that count???
:D m.e.
I am cleaning out so I can FIND the old!
Cleaning out & up(studio/home) is @ the top of the list to get my year off to a bright start.I've found it really helps in the studio, not just a better working enviroment,but looking @(okay, okay finding) my beads again can really inspire some good work.
I am trying to "use what you have" but you girls with your fabulous sales make that very hard to do! I will go now and check it out!
Enjoy the day!
Hi Cindy! Yep, I am doing that too! I moved all my beading stuff off the floor and into a new desk; I've been cleaning out drawers and closets and clothing - it's a big job, I realized, but if I do some each week, by next year I'll be ready to start all over again!!!!
Out with the old and in with the new. I'm also taking apart old jewelry to reuse in new design. Fun Times!
Happy Weekend everyone.
Great selection of goodies in your shop, Cindy!
I'm for real making room in my collection. I've found that it makes me happy to find things and share them. It's a beautiful process.
Shoot,yes!I just installed a new computer and now I'm going to start over on my etsy site,start with a new site and all!Since New Years,I've been organizing my beads,etc. and found many I'd forgotten about.And still have 2 huge bowls to go thru.I'm excited about it all!
LOL! I'm laughing at how we beadaholics view cleaning out!
I was quickly skimming through my blog feeds when I did a double-take on this one...I won! Woohoo! I love Lynn's stuff!! Thanks for the great giveaways!
Now I'm off to browse through your clearance sale :)
I am cleaning off the worktable to find the beads-- that will be like new when I finally find them again.
I am trying to clean up and out not just beads but all the clutter in my life. I am starting in small ways like deleting unnecessary e-mails and sorting through old magazines and catalogs. I cleaned up my daughters room the other day. I am also clearing out the old in my head, past hurts and past disappointments - realizing I have grown from these experiences.
Here's to new years resolutions!
I have been trying to clean my studio and finally I am making headway. I am also trying to write a book which is about a fourth done. I am working on a project that is soooo nice I can't wait for everyone to see it along with a project that is finished. But they are going in my book so I have to wait. I have never writen a book before so I am haveing a little trouble. If anyone can give me a few pointers I would greatly appreciate it. This is my new state in my beading career. By gooly gee I'm scared. Help!
I am definitely cleaning up and clearing out for the New Year. I find a fresh clean studio brings to it fresh new ideas and isn't that what a new year is for?!
Love your new picture btw. Very cute!
i clean out the old by packing it away and out of sight. later, when i rediscover it, it provides inspiration and is new again. save me money!
I am definitely cleaning out and making way for the new...I have just developed a sensitivity to raw Polymer clay and have had to remove it from the house! I can't even be in the same room with it! And I was really on a roll in liking what I was designing. Rats!!
cspmom at gmail dot com
We are doing a huge cleaning out as we are house hunting. So almost everything is packed away
We are finishing up a move, so I have been cleaning out the old for about a month! SO. SICK. OF. IT.
But on the flip side, I am trying to justify a trip to the Tucson gem show. It is just an hour and a half south of me, so it can be a day trip. I try as hard as I can to use the stash I already have, but the beads keep calling me! And there are new things every year!
Maybe I will go and meet people and not buy much! That should work! ha!
Yes, I am cleaning my studio - rearranging, etc. I am also taking a room a month in the house to go through and declutter. It is such a good feeling when you are through.
I agree with some of the others, my bead stash is the least of my problems. "MY JUNK ROOM " now that's another story!!!! Where does it all come from????????
Not cleaning out but more motivated, maybe that is because we have been snowed in for at a time!
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