Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fit to Print Review -- Jewelry Upcycled! by Sherri and Michelle Haab

I love books by Sherri Haab.  Not only are they sure to have innovative tutorials, but they're a treat for the eyes.  This book is no exception!

The book, "Jewelry Upcycled!", features techniques and tutorials for "reusing metal, plastic, glass, fiber, and found objects".   The tutorials are broken down into five "upcycling" sections:
  • Metal and Wire
  • Plastic
  • Glass and Ceramics
  • Fabric and Leather
  • Found Objects
There really is something for everybody in this book.  You'll learn how to rivet, use resin, felt old sweaters, solder with copper tape -- there really is a LOT between these pages.  

And if you think that using recyclable materials means the jewelry won't look like.. well, jewelry, take a look at Sherri's bubble wrap necklace:

Isn't that cool?  

The book is 144 pages and is put out by Potter Craft.  I'd highly recommend it to anyone looking to expand their jewelry-making horizons and go green!

Lori Anderson creates jewelry for her web site, Lori Anderson Designs, and wrote the blog An Artist's Year Off.    She is also the creator of the Bead Soup Blog Party. 


JeannieK said...

Great review Lori, thanks. Book sounds and looks and fascinating! It's on my list.

TesoriTrovati said...

Awesome! I LOVE Miss Sherri and her delightful daughter Michelle. They are wicked crafty and so ingenious. I can't beleive I missed ordering this book! It is in the queue now! Enjoy the day!

Anonymous said...

awesome! I would have loved to have seen the "befores" of that necklace. It's gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the review, Lori. I'm ordering this book!

BooBeads said...

Sounds like a fun one! Might actually have to check this one out!

Jenni said...

Bubble wrap! Sounds intriguing. Looks like a good book to explore..

Stepha said...

Looks like a good one, I will have to get it. Wonderful review.

My Life Under the Bus said...

I am so excited!!! I have most of Sherris books and just won this one now I can't wait to get it!
~*HaPpY DaNcE*~

Happy Sunday Lori!

somethingunique said...

Thanks for theinfo i love her book and have many in my collection.

mothers day jewelry said...

I am so excited!!! And if you think that using recyclable materials means the jewelry won't look like