Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Beaded Laughter Blog

Have you seen the new blog Beaded Laughter by Sylvie Lansdowne?


That girl eats funny for breakfast. 

Above is my little rendition of the "Hey Girl" meme, don't you wish your husband was that understanding!

  Sylvie was inspired to create the blog after reading Handmade Ryan Grosling.  For a tip she'll create a custom "Hey Girl" just for you or have one dedicated to a beady friend.

Here are some of my favorites from Sylvie:

When Sylvie isn't googling images of hunks and thinking up funny quotes, she is at her torch making lampwork beads and getting ready to teach her next workshop.

Check out her website to see where she is teaching next.

Thanks for the daily dose of giggles Sylvie!


Sparkle Queen said...

Hilarious... I can't stop laughing. That girl is wicked funny! Thanks for making my day!

Anonymous said...

Aww man, that blog is awesome. I'm drooling!

Cindy Lietz, Polymer Clay Tutor said...

OMG Heather, thanks for that!! This girl gets it. There is nothing that a beader needs more than a hot man that understands!! Sylvie has a new fan!

Courtney Breul said...

Love that Patrick Stewart one!

TesoriTrovati said...

That Sylvie has started a revolution I tell you! That Johnny Depp on had me at 'hey girl' and the one about the marshmallows was the first one I saw and makes me chuckle so much. Thank you Miss Sylvie for sharing a bit of zany with the rest of us! It is my 'something good' every day!
Enjoy the day!

peacockfairy said...

This is my new fav blog Heather! Thanks for sharing! Soooooo my sense of humor!

Sarah Sequins said...


I'm not sure which one is my favorite.

A Sean Connery would be awesome. ;)

Favethingsetc said...

So funny! Thanks for sharing. And I love Handmade Ryan Gosling.

Maria said...

OMG!! Hilarious!!!

Erin S said...

this totally made me laugh out loud. Just what I needed today.

AntiquityTravelers said...

LOVE it!

LisaS said...

Woo Hoo!! This blog and Patrick Stewart sure made my day ;)

Leon @ Macrame Bracelets said...

This is hilarious!!! I love the lucky charm bracelet!
We are raising funds wit lucky charm no I mean macrame bracelets for children's basic needs centers in Ecuador.

Kat said...

Very creative website, I love your website tho so much more.

Cynthia said...

OMG is right. I love Bead Porn, but I think I like this even more!!! Hilarious!
OMG again - my word verification is "cythin", which is almost my name. That's the first time that's ever happened!

Azure Accessories said...

Loved the post...thanks for the laughs!


michele said...

Very funny stuff. I love the pink chair. I can see that entire room in an English country house.

Linda Landig said...

I LOVE her blog. I can out count on it to give me a laugh. Showed it to my husband and he totally didn't get why it was so funny. Duh!

Betty S. said...

Thanks for this! Love her sense of humor and creative spunk!

JJoy said...

She is hysterical...made my day!!

mary me said...

Oh How I love these!!!! My kind of man! Wish I could find find a man that would really dig this! :-))

Shel said...

LM*AO - seriously!! ;)

Cindy said...

Never saw these before...they are hilarious!!!