Last weeks winner is The Joy of Nesting Congratulations! You have won a Ganesha focal bead from the studio of Cindy Gimbrone. Send Cindy an e-mail with your address and she will get it right out to you.
This week we visit the studio of Jennifer Heynen of Jangles
This week we visit the studio of Jennifer Heynen of Jangles

Before I get started telling you everything that's been going on in my studio, and since we are talking about studios...I wanted to let you know that my studio has been featured in Studios magazine. It's on newstands now and if you're like me, you will enjoy seeing where people make their creations. I was so happy to get to be a part of the magazine.
I look at the four pages of photos now from my studio and think..."ah to be so clean again"

So let's see, the last time it was my Studio Saturday I was rushing around like mad, working on a new display and getting ready for Bead and Button. I am now recovering from a really great show. I got to meet some of the ABS readers and it was lots of fun. I did get my display finished in white and I am happy the way it turned out. I think I will stick with the white, but of course I already have new ideas for next year.

Here is my couch in my studio piled high with beads from the classes. I have been firing them all week, now it's time to ship them back to all the students. I can't wait to hear their reactions, I think they will be happy.

This leads me to my question of the week....
Do you find getting out of your usual routine inspiring or draining?
Leave me your answer in the comments this week and you could win a surprise Jangles Bead.(It has to be a surprise because I haven't unpacked them yet!)
Happy Beading!
I think diverting from the usual routine is always inspiring, and invigorating! Removing yourself from the comfortable arena forces you to take a new and fresh look at things, I always get positive results from that!
i think it depends on the diversion. i always find that i am much more inspired and productive when i have interaction with other artists. like sharon said, it forces you to take a fresh, new look at things.
and, for me, a peek inside other artists studios is a trememdous form of inspiration. we are moving into a larger space next week where i will actually have a studio (instead of a table in the hallway) and i am telling you, IT CANNOT GET HERE FAST ENOUGH!!!
I find that a diversion such as a bead show(!) really motivates me to try new materials in my designs. My favorite diversion is talking to other artists, discussing trends, inspirational paintings,etc. I arrive home refreshed and rarin' to go!
Lately, it's been draining! However, after taking classes at the B & B Show, yours included, I have been refreshed! Thanks, Jennifer!
Because my time is now my own I really don't have to follow a routine. I have to say that this retired life is so much better then I thought!! Especially for making art :) But I have to agree with Sharon diversions always tend to energize and get the creative juices flowing :)
Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx
Since I thrive on diversity and variety, I would say inspiring. I love to try new things and go new places and meet new people. So the Bead & Button show was fantastic on that front. And trying new things in classes is always inspiring. I just cannot find the time to put into practice all that I have learned. Thanks for the peek into your funky studio Jennifer! Enjoy the day! Erin
I think getting out of my routine inspiring if it involves trips to new places, a different way home from work, meeting different people. I come up with ideas and designs that I can sketch for future beads and jewelry.
If getting out of my routine means more work hours, then that is draining. :)
I find it inspiring to be shaken out of what I "always" seem to fall back to when I am in a design rut. Sometimes just learning a new stitch that I hadn't conquered yet or working with a new type of bead is enough to inspire me and get the creative juices flowing again. Great question, thanks for asking it.
Diversion definitely helps pull me out of my normal "box". That's one reason I like to join in on challenges in the various groups I'm in - a challenge can help me create a design outside my normal comfort zone. I also like to go to shows and take classes which also help push me into new areas of exploration.
I'm a person who likes to stick to a certain route when driving somewhere, or a certain morning and evening routine. But when it comes to making jewelry I find that I am game for anything! Sometimes I try to take in too much and hit overload, but most of the time it is very inspiring to change things up a bit.
By the way, your display looks like a yummy candy shop filled with sweet treats! How I wish I could have seen that in person!
I think it depends on what type of break from the usual routine. If it is for a vacation then I would for sure come back rested and ready to go. This past week I have been working alot of overtime at my day job-not as fun- but I have been trying to look at the new fashions for spring on co-workers (I live in Michigan and it has finally started warming up!)and I have some great new color comos to try, and the boys are out of school, so now I just need some time................
Alice from Mi
My 'usual routine' here is to work from 9 am till 7:30 pm... anything that is a break from that leaves me energized and ready to go!
Really, though, under usual circumstances it depends on the break from the routine... if the break is a high-energy, crazy fun beach vacation, i feel exhausted comming back. However, if my break is something like a fabulous bead class (i dream here), then i can see me being just roaring to go when i get home again.
Congratulations Amber on the new studio. That's great!
Great answers everyone..thanks for sharing your thoughts,
I find that for my daily obligations I like to keep things as routine and predictable as possible. Because only when I know that all my responsibilities are taken care of, can I really let my mind go to focus on dreaming up new things to create. Thats when I start surfing the web or browsing magazines or looking in thrifty stores for new beads and new ideas.
I love to get out of my routine and find it very stimulating and inspiring mentally to attend or do a show or take a class. It refreshes my creative brain cells and helps me to see in other ways artistically.
Unfortunately physically I become drained and exhausted due to health problems so sometimes it's days before I can get the body to catch up to the brain!
Love your setup by the way. Way great colors you use.
Paula Lee
I am still trying to find out what will reinspire me. I have been in a slump for the past 7 months. :(
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