Welcome to Studio Saturday! Each week one of our contributors gives you a sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a related question of our readers and hope you'll leave comments! As an incentive we offer a free bead each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner.
This week's winner is
Linda Starr. Linda has won a set of
Modern Glass Links in Bronze from Cindy Gimbrone. Please use the suggestion box to send us your address.

It's been an intense week of deadlines. Orders, finishing illustrating my first
picture book and getting submissions together for upcoming magazine deadlines. Amidst all this creativity is this
pile of beads on my desk, just waiting. I find there is nothing like a looming deadline to bring out the procrastinator/creator in me. I end up working on a flurry of side projects while working away on the big project. I need to, it's a stress reliever. I used to beat myself up about not staying on task, now I just schedule in the extra time for quick creative excursions. Of course, there is still the late night sessions to get things done on time. I seem to always work up until that deadline, no matter how far ahead I plan. The bead project above is my treat for finishing the book. As soon as I'm done I am going to make the most spectacular necklace!
So what games do you play to meet deadlines or to get projects finished? Do you participate in contests to challenge yourself to get something done? Do you treat yourself if you reach a milestone in a project? Do you splurge on something when you meet a deadline? What are your procrastination busters?
And speaking of treats, I have a little
teal bird for one lucky person. All you have to do is leave a comment here to be entered in the drawing! But don't procrastinate, you only have a week to enter!
oh I love your bead pile! Lots of beauties in there! The birds are so sweet too. There will be one lucky winner this week...
One thing that I procrasinate on is writing my articles. Tey don't really take that long when I focus, but staying focussed is the problem...I tend to drift. To snap myself to attention I use a tea timer. I know it should only take me an hour and I set it and work until I am done, racing against the clock. I usually reward myself after that with something, but I have to sit and work until I am done!
When I have a deadline, I use a timeline for what has to be done and the date it has to be done by...that way I usually have a week or two to take care of all the last minute "surprises" that seem to happen no matter how far ahead you plan!
Up until now I haven't really had any deadlines. PHEW!
But to stay on task I pretty much have to work on little projects. That usually jump starts me into thinking of ideas for a planned piece. And I always ALWAYS treat myself to a special bead or treat when I finish something big.... or for no reason at at all. That's what makes this whole thing FUN! :)
Heather, I am loving your pic of your beadpile! Whew, I see lots of great goodies in there. I hope you got your hearts I sent!
My favorite quote is "If it wasn't for the last minute, nothing would get done around here." I am the world's worst procrastinator. I just finished some instructions that I knew I had to write two weeks ago. I teach the class this morning. Can't get much later than that. I wish I could break myself of this habit. Sure would make life easier.
When I do finish something ahead of time (rarely), I allow myself some "me" time to bead, read, or just generally relax.
Oh honey, I am the QUEEN OF PROCRASTINATION! In fact, I should be typing in structions right now. But no, I'm checking the blogs to get my daily reading in. I totally identify with the bead pile, too. I've got my own sitting beside the computer right now!
I have started doing things in stages, which seems to be working much better than sitting down for a typing/beading marathon during the last 24 hours before an event.
I'm such a procrastinator! Either I have to do something right away or I put it off sometimes to the last minute. Usually those things I'm a little insecure about get put off. I'm afraid to fail. But yikes! This isn't Dr. Phil! It's a comment section! I wish I could win that little bird - I love it! Thanks for sharing :-)
I put together a project plan that lists the dates and then try to adhere to them. But, real life has a tendency to intrude!!! Then I scramble to catch up. I find it helps if I jot little notes to myself along the way. Then if I get delayed I can look back at what my thought process was for that item and it is easier to get back into it.
I tend to have trouble transitioning from one task to the next (like moving from making beads to glazing) and procrastinate between the two tasks and get caught up in fun things like reading blogs, playing with beads etc. I give myself fun bead time after all my chores are done and urge myself forward by looking forward to what may come out of the kiln if I can just get that firing done! Looking forward keeps me from staying back.
Here's me in a nutshell..
"I'm so far behind, I think I'm first!"
I don't have big jewelry projects, or article deadlines, but my everyday life(my job) is one procrastination after another, I've always been that way...why change it now? When I get through a deadline, I treat myself to a day off and getting to spend it at home beading. Makes it all worth while ;^)
I see some familar looking goodies in that pile of beads you have, can't wait to see what it becomes.
One thing that works for me is scheduling tasks for the project. I leave enough time between them that if I do goof off and miss a scheduled session, I still can squeeze it in. Or if it isn't working the way I hoped or it just looks like crap and I need to start over, I still can do it. Most times, if I wait till the right time to work on a project, it flows. Cosmic design, I guess.
Love those birdies! Can't wait to get mine!
Thanks for showing your bead pile. It actually looks a little like mine!
I am very deadline oriented. It comes from the business world. I need a deadline or it won't get done. I still procrastinate. Maybe it's the challenge of making the deadline at the eleventh hour. I haven't found a solution for it yet.
Love the birds!
The main thing I procrastinate on is taking photos, editing them, and then doing my website. It's all much easier since I upgraded my camera last year, but it's still the least-fun part of my beading business (except for taxes, which I also procrastinate on). I try to keep myself on task by sticking to a weekly update schedule. Almost every Monday, I have to post new jewelry on my site. This of course means that even if I finished the new jewelry back on Wednesday, it doesn't get photographed until Monday afternoon :)
I only wish that I had article deadlines to procrastinate about!
I *love* your bead pile!! SO many pretties!
I have found that a timer helps me stay on task until it dings. Then I can choose if I want to stay with a project longer and what can be moved to accommodate. Still perfecting this, though. My biggest problem is consistency (actually sitting down and creating/doing) and life getting in the way until I've lost momentum!
P.S. I find the birdies very very charming!
OMG!I thought your little bluebirds and their nest w/blue eggs were cute, but these little pointy teal bird beads are SO SWEET!!!
You simply MUST stop making and showing these wonderful beads or I will end up in the "poorhouse"!
I absolutely LOVE your work, dear.
procrastinator used to me my middle name. Now it is my first and last name. I can put off tomorrow until next week!..Oh I have a deadline due next week!!
It used to be when you looked up 'procrastination' in the dictionary there was my picture - but lately I've gone the opposite way and start way early. Too many late nights trying to catch up when the clay or the computer don't cooperate. I have a theory that the computer can tell when you are in a hurry, so I act nonchalant. Seems to be working so far!
Love the little birds, I have a nest all prepared ... hint, hint
LLYYNN - Lynn Davis
it took me a week to leave a comment, that's procrastination! seems to be a neverendding battle. I absolutely reward myself. when I was in school it was even as simple as get through this chapter and then have a stretch and a tea, doesn't sound like much reward but since I was always studying at 3 am the night before the exam it was a big deal. I always procrastinate on finish work, because it just sucks, my reward after doing a bunch of finish work is always shopping... I'm stuck in a never ending circle.
Personally I believe I procrastinate on purpose. A little pressure seems to get my juices flowing and brings out my creativity.I tend to WAY overthink things if I start too early.
Funniest thing! I am in a group that deals with making changes in your life. The "change" I am working on is procrastination. I am finding that taking small steps toward completion is very helpful, and not so overwhelming as looking at the whole. Being accountable to someone is also helpful to keep me on track. It's working. My reward is getting it done.
I like to procrastinate on tasks by suddenly finding other *Very* important things which need done. Things like.. alphabetizing the bookshelves or grooming the carpet. I always finish the task I'm avoiding though sooner or later.
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