Sweet Slide bracelets
Here's what you need for the Sweet Slide bracelets:
To make your bracelet, cut a piece of cord about 24 inches long. String and/or knot your beads on as desired, making sure to leave at least a 4 inch tail on each end of your bracelet.
Now, you're ready to create your sliding closure!
1. Cut a separate 12" piece of cord and fold the cord back onto itself about 4". This will be your "working" cord.
2. Place the left and right bracelet cords parallel to each other with the ends in opposite directions.
3. Place the working cord on top of the bracelet cords. Hold the folded end with the short tail end in the opposite direction.

4. Loosely wrap the working cord around the bracelet cords and the tail of the working cord.

5. Make 5 wraps, moving towards the tail end of your working cord.

6. Insert the working cord through the wraps you just made, exiting the folded end.

7. Pull the ends of your working cord tight, but not super tight or you won't be able to move your bracelet cords back and forth. If desired, add some beads to the working cord tails and trim.

8. Add a few more beads to the bracelet cords, knot, trim and you're done! Be sure to leave the bracelet tails long enough to slip your hand through when the bracelet is all the way open.
I hope you enjoy the tutorial!
Erin Siegel is a jewelry designer, beading instructor and co-author of the forth-coming jewelry book, Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry: 50 Designs Using Leather, Ribbon and Cords.
To find out more, visit her blog, Erin Siegel Jewelry.
Erin Siegel is a jewelry designer, beading instructor and co-author of the forth-coming jewelry book, Bohemian-Inspired Jewelry: 50 Designs Using Leather, Ribbon and Cords.
To find out more, visit her blog, Erin Siegel Jewelry.
OMG - this is awesome! I was just saying to a girlfriend yesterday that I wanted to learn how to make the slide wrap knot. Thank you so much for posting this.
Thank you so much for this tutorial! For the life of me, I could not remember how to do this last summer....now I can!!!
Thanks for the tutorial! I have wanted to use cording, but did not know where to begin! Cute bead selection, too!
So simple but beautiful bracelets!!! Thanks for the tutorial!!! Love these golden small beads!!!! :o)
Great tutorial!
Thanks Erin.
OH! They are beautiful and so versatile! I would want to wear them by the dozen!
Very very cute, thanks for the tutorial. I will definitely like to make one of these with my stash of beads.
Thank you. Many times I wondered how it is done. Now it is at my finger tips. Will try it right now. Dita
Oh! I have always wondered how that is done. This is great, Miss Erin! I suspect that more wonderful tutorials like this will be in your forthcoming book, right? I can't wait! I am excited to learn this technique. Thank you for sharing it. Off to find some cord to play with!
Enjoy the day!
Thanks...I never really knew how to do this! Perfect tutorial! Shared on my fb ~
I'm been wondering how to make the sliding link. Thank you for sharing your wonderful tutorial.
I just want to let you know that I did a little write up on your tutorial on my blog and linked it back to you. You can find it here MixedKreations.com/blog
Thanks again for the wonderful tutorial.
Erin, what a great, easy to follow tutorial. I would love to give this a try! Thanks for sharing with us!
Great tutorial. Thank you!
great and easy to follow tutorial - thanks, I always wanted to learn this technique
So simple and so pretty!
Great tutorial.
I just made a bracelet using this tutorial, thank you for sharing it!
Thank you for sharing this tutorial! Love the bracelet. I have a ton of recycled glass bead that would work wonderfully with this style !
great tip for that fancy slider knot ... I had used it on some necklaces but will now try it on bracelets!!
This is so much easier than the way I learned to do it. Thanks so much for posting the tut.
Thank you so much for the great tutorial! I really love it and wearing everyday!
YES.... I LOVE this slider knot! Thanks for this SUPER EASY Tutorial.
YES...I LOVE this slider knot! Thanks for this SUPER EASY Tutorial.
Thanks for this awesome tutorial! :)
Muchas gracias por el tutorial¡¡¡
I've just spent my morning trying to figure out how to do this... wish I'd seen this post first! Thank you, going to try this out :)
I have just one question. Every time I try to finish my cotton cord necklaces with these knots, the necklace ends up crossed. I mean to say that it doesn't simply hang straight; the cords have a single twist in them -- a bit like the familiar "awareness ribbon" shape. What am I doing wrong? Thanks, JG
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