Here's a good example he gives in the book and I will relate it to our business....
At a grocery store they set up jam tasting stations, one had 12 different types of jam. They had lots of tasters that day trying all twelve and they loved it, but it they didn't sell a lot of jam. Now the same station was set up with 4 kinds to tastes. They didn't have as many tasters but they had many more people buy the jam. Less choices....hmmm
The reason I bought this book a few years ago was for the reason that I want to make everything. It's really hard for me to focus on one type of work and look. I was hoping this book would give me proof that staying focused and not having millions of beads to choose from was a good thing. I was right, it helped. I still today struggle with wanting to add more beads to my website, more necklaces to my catalog, etc.
If your looking for a good pep talk for keeping it simple, read this book.
Post was written by Jennifer Heynen of Jangles.
I'm with you Jennifer. I just want to do more and more. But I think focuss is the key. Great to get that reinforcement isn't it? Thanks for the information1
I completely agree with this theory, I have worked in retail for years now and people often want me to narrow their choices for them, there are just too many choices for most people to know where to start. I'll have to look up the book.
How funny?! I'm always saying "Less is more". I should probably read this book! :)
That's an interesting theory. I will have to give it much more thought.
You are so right, and I'm trying to do this with my beads, it's hard to focus on just three or four styles but I think it will really pay off in the end.
There's so much information out there these days that I know I feel overwhelmed and just want someone to pick one 'flavour' for me.
That's what I love about this book. I know that less is more but even though, I am not really good at following that rule. This book gives you the scientific proof that it's true. It gave me the push I needed to narrow things down. I still read it from time to time to remind myself.
I definitely agree with this. I don't like making decisions, so faced with all those jams, and loving several of them, I'd have to make a decision. Rather than making a decision, I just buy none. Much easier for me.
Unfortunately when it comes to my jewelry, I tend to make what I want regardless of how it affects sales. Fortunately at this point it's more of a hobby than a business so I don't have to focus too hard...yet.
I am so overwhelmed sometimes by all my choices of beads that I have collected over the years. I think it would help me creatively to narrow it down! Thanks for the info.
This goes for many things.
I sell paintings for automotive refinishes and building and the more colours people have to choose from, the less they know what they want.
Kind regards,
I agree when it comes to selling merchandise, just from my own experience. Years ago when I sold women's clothing, this was especially true when we had men trying to shop for a woman. I usually tried to limit it to two items, or it would overwhelm them too much.
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