Last week's winner is Tabby of Crooked Heart Art! Congratulations! You have won one of Lynn's "Make Art" pieces! Send Lynn an email and she will get it right out to you.
Welcome to the Studio of Cindy Gimbrone!

Every winter, I complain about my unheated studio and how I make more jewelry in the winter time.
This year however, I needed to keep my hands at work and making jewelry just wasn't enough for me. I'm a beadmaker and I had to make beads. After experimenting with bronze clay and moldmaking this past summer, my hands were urging me to try a new medium and one I could manipulate with my 10 digits.

You probably didn't know I have a stash of polymer clay. I've had it for years and add to it every now and then. Sometimes I use it to try to work out a prototype bead rather than draw it. Until now, I've never dove head first into creating with it.
But the box of polymer clay started to call me from under my bed where it's been sitting. Like Pandora's Box, I had to open it. Pandora's Box unleashed the troubles of the world, but this box unleashed a sea of creativity. When I opened my box of stashed polymer clay, I really opened a box of inspiration and creativity.
I started warming and rolling out the clay eager to make beads. But what would I make? I wasn't sure and just went with the flow.
First out of the box was Grunge Beads....

Then there was the Steampunk styling of "Flying Ace".....

Followed by the Victorian Garden Bee Skep...

I'm partial to the bronze color of the gold polymer and the faux ivory. I like the quickness of the curing compared to glass (hours of kiln annealing). There's something deeply satisfying about touching the medium directly.
I'm thrilled at the beads I've made so far. So, rather than calling it my stash of polymer clay, I'm referring to it hereafter as, "Cindy's Box of Inspiration and Creativity!"
Maybe not.
Sounds a little self important yet my little box of polymer clay has been a source of inspiration during a cold winter and has kept my spirits high. Seems like it should have an appropriate label, don't you?
Do have your own box of inspiration and creativity waiting for you? Do you have a stash that you haven't quite tapped into yet? Share your story by leaving a comment and you will be entered to win the Faux Bois Noir Pendant.

Thank you so much for this post !
Years ago my family all pitched in at Xmas.They bought me everything I needed to learn glass bead making
I never seem to have the time or patience to start.
Until now the box has been my "box of shame and guilt"
Thanks to this post ,I'm will now renaming it
My "box of inspiration and creativity " waiting for me
LOL!!! m.e. :D
hi cindy
i am the studio saturday winner!!thank you!! but the email for lynn isn't valid??
please let me know
many thanks
Cindy -
I love the hidden box under the bed idea! haaaaaa Polymer clay can really be much potential!
My hopeful inspiration this week is my little minitorch. I bought it months ago and have been scared to try it. But, I'm busting it out no matter what! I even have some fine silver wire to work with (which I hear is easier). So, wish me luck!!!
Have a great weekend!
Hi m.e.!
Yes, rename that box of glassmaking materials! When the time is right, you'll break it out just as I did!
Keep inspiration alive!
Congratulations, Tabby! Lynn's link will work now! I tested it - just send her an email :-)
Enjoy your new bead!
Hi Jenn,
Get that torch out, girl! It's time to try something new to get your creative juices flowing and more lovely jewelry in the universe! Just don't keep the torch under your bed - LOL!
Inspire others to bead!
Yup its under the bed..... in a box......actually I have 2 crafts sitting in boxes waiting for some love and attention.
One is filled to the brim with pysanky making tools and dyes etc.. the second one is full of ...... polymer clay...all colors imaginable .
The pysanky I have made hundreds of eggs,and I now have goose eggs and ostrich eggs and emu eggs waiting to be written on, Mom died 2 years ago and with her went my desire to make more.. but my fingers itch to get back into it.
The polymer I bought when a new Micheals was opening and just about giving that stuff away how could I not pick some up.
BUT......... there they both are under my bed waiting patiently for me to be inspired...
I will let you know what happens !
Hi Cindy,
This post speaks to me... I must admit that I have more than one "Box of Inspiration" lining the shelf in my studio cupboard. I think today I will go and pull one out. Thanks for your gentle nudge :)
Hi Diane,
Sorry to hear about your muse leaving you when your Mom passed away. Hopefully your itchy hands will get you back to the eggs you love and what a perfect time of the year to get them out again!
Please keep us informed of which box of inspiration you open!
Inspiringly yours, ;-)
Hi Lisa,
Thanks for posting! Now go get one of your boxes of inspiration and let the muse out! :-)
Creatively yours ;-)
I have two boxes,also.I wanted to work with polymer clay and have a box with everything I need,pasta roller,a gently used toaster oven,rollers clays,knifes,etc.Another box is filled with bead collections.Some of yours,Cindy,Heathers,Lisa Kan,Melissa,Mary,etc,but I just like to have them.I 'm scared I can't do them justice.Maybe one day!
Love your beads. The bronze finish is fabulous. I have a whole closet of creativity in multiple media to get lost in from time to time but never thought of trying out polymer clay to see what a bead design might look like. I mostly use it to make positives for mold impressions with pewtercasting, and holiday ornaments. To make beads in it...Hmmm
Mine is all my origami stuff. I had so many supplies, I finally decided to cut down on the crafts I wanted to do. I now have yarn stuff (knitting and crocheting), embroidery, beads and origami. Mine is going to stay closed for a while, tho, while I make the bead biz go
Hi Gail,
Don't be scared to create - there's no right or wrong - just do what makes you happy!
I hear your boxes calling to you :-)
Creatively yours ;-)
Hi Carol,
So have I inspired you to use your polymer clay in a different way? It's different than glass and may frustrate you at first for that reason or not - you may take right to it!
Let us know how it goes!
Clayfully yours :-)
Hi Joann,
Ooo, I love origami! I have a set of tiny oragami stars as earrings I bought at a convention a year ago.
I'll admit to having lots of yarn too. And sewing stuff. I have more than one box of inspiration and rotate among them.
Keep your boxes of inspiration - someday they'll call to you and you'll have the time to open them!
Hope your bead business goes well!
Beadfully yours ;-)
Yes I do. I have a box just like yours filled with the same thing. Maybe I should try what you did. I do think about it once in a while but can't get there yet. I think I will take another look.
Oh yes, the waiting project! Well, I got a kiln for my birthday (july) so that I could play with metal clay. I have the goods to get going. A little nervous, I bought a book w/ a DVD. Bought another book..... I think I am afraid of blowing up the kiln I don't know!!!!!But it's THERE-and waiting:)
Hi Valerie!
Yes, please DO take another look! You might be surprised at the creativity that ensues!
Have fun exploring!
Hi Pearl and Pebble!
You won't blow up your kiln :-) It's time to take a shot and try it! Don't be afraid go for it!
Encouragingly yours ;-)
Hi Cindy! Wonderful entry into Polymer! Lovely work..... I too have a stash of Polymer beckoning to me...... you have inspired me to get moving on it.... :)
Thank you, Kirsten! It's time to get out your stash and start kneading away! Let me know how you do!
Inspiringly yours, ;-)
Cindy, Your post inspired me. I have been working some with metal clay and I wanted to try the new torchable Art Clay Copper. I ordered the clay and necessary torching stuff and there it sits staring at me waiting on me to have time and creative juices to do something with it. I have all these new cool patterns and molds I have made as well just waiting on me to experiment. Your post inspired me to find the time to get started.
I should not be so surprised at how dynamite these are. You make beauty in whatever you touch, Miss Cindy!
Since I have moved I am not quite sure where all my creativity has gone hiding. But in my old studio I had an entire cabinet of scrapbook supplies. But not one completed scrapbook (my kids are so deprived). I love paper, ephemera, rub-ons and all those fun things that paper artists play with. I would love to dip into my oil paints some more. And I am enamored of watercolorists (and really want to learn how). Thanks for sharing your inspiration today! Enjoy the day! Erin
Hi ccrider!
I'm glad I inspired you! It'll be so much fun to dive in and try out the copper clay. Let us know how it goes for you and what you create.
Happy creating! :-)
Hi Erin!
Thank you (blush)! Will we be seeing your favorites in a piece of jewelry soon? Paper ephemera makes such lovely mixed media jewelry and you can work magic with jewelry!
Thank you for your always thoughtful comments:-)
Creatively yours :-)
Mine has to be all yarn I bought to make up this gorgeous afghan for our bed. I just havent't gotten started even though it has been under my bed for 5 years.
I too have a box of Polymer Clay. My first try was just o.k. and I stashed it away. So I must give it another chance !! Our local bead shop is offering a class on Polymer Clay beads and I plan to take that. I need guidence from someone experienced. I wish I lived next door to Heather Powers.
Hello Everyone,
I am new here but have been beading since 1997. The beads featured which Cindy made are just so beautiful. Just yesterday I bought some polymer clay. I was actually inspired by of some beautiful beads I saw on Etsy.
My problem...I live in the Buffalo NY area and cannot seem to find anyone who has classed in working with the clay - at least not for beads.....Joann's has classes on buttons, AC Moore doesn't offer a class like this and actually I will have to contact Michael's to see if they have something to offer.
If anyone has any suggestions as to where I might turn to learn about making polymer clay beads, metal clay beads, etc., I would greatly appreciate hearing the suggestions.
How nice it is to have this blog to turn to.....thanks in advance everyone!!
Cindy, I had to laugh when I saw your post. I have tried working with this clay and it just will not soften for me. I guess I want more instant gratification and don't have patience to work it. I gave all mine away to a friend who works wonders with it. I love what you have done! I guess my 'box of inspiration' would be my old jewelry waiting to be redesigned. Of course, then there is the fabrics, silk ribbon, embroidery floss, tatting supplies, scrapbooking supplies and more...everything I think but the polymer clay :-] Warm regards, Connie
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