Whether you want to personalize a piece of jewelry for a gift, or if you want to display a quote, these stamped charms can definitely jazz up any piece!
I know I'll be saving my pennies to buy my own set of stamping tools. They now have them available at Fusion Beads! They have stamp sets available in a few different sizes, as well as the silver blanks. OR if you want to save some cash, you can also get a cool 1.5mm set on Etsy at Evies Tool Emporium for only $12.00 (plus shipping)!
The only other thing you'll need for this project is a bench block and a regular household hammer.
Another cool feature about Fusion Beads is they also offer a free instructional stamping technique! Click here to learn how to make your own stamped charms!
Written by Guest Blogger, Lorelei Eurto
Read her Blog, Buy her Jewelry!
Hey Lorelei! Great article! Here's another tip - I bought my 3mm set from Cool Tools, www.cooltools.us. I believe it cost about $12.50.
Good to know! Thanks for the tip!
I love my metal stamping tools, here's a little hint I learned from having the pooch leave the room whenever I used them - underneath the metal block or anvil use a thick computer mousepad. It absorbs some of the vibration without dampening the strike on the metal tool. Keeps the sound down - not elminated, but less!
Hey, you just reminded me... My husband has a set like this in his shop that I must go out and get for my studio! Thanks!
beaducation.com has some great decorative stamps - stuff other than letters and numbers...dog paw, butterfly, snail, swirls, etc.
Thanks for the info...it's exactly what I was looking for. Love your blog...I'm adding it to mine:
This is great!!!! I cant wait to purchase the tools. What about the blank charms?
My husband stopped by Harbor Freight in Nashville on the way home from work one day and picked up two sets of metal stamps for me. You might try a store like this is you have one in your area, since many machinist use the stamps to identify their tools, etc. They were less than $5 a set. My biggest problem has been locating the disc blanks at a cheap price!
You might want to check out www.metalstampingsuppliers.com
I was inspired by your article!I never tried making metal stamps actually but I loved hearing all your interests guys. I found it cool and exciting! I wish I could make my own personal touch of those and share to you my experience as well!Charm:)
www.themysticalportal.com has a lot of design stamps with free shipping and I have also seen a lot on eBay at fairly reasonable rates.
is there a stamping tool for stainless steel bars
that already have a design, one stamp and the design will just show automatically.
Thanks for sharing such an exciting metal stamping tools and the information you provided about the kit was interesting. Metal stamping tool helps in creating a various Metal Components into moulded designs and shapes based on the industrial requirements.
I was just looking this morning for a source for a sterling stamped piece for an upcoming baby that will be born. These are so popular with the young mothers.
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