My favorite is Barbabra Brabec's book Make it Profitable! I have had this book for ever, it's great for helping with designing promotional materials, marketing, and just getting organized. It's an all around good craft business book.
Second is Wendy Rosen's Crafting As A Business. Wendy Rosen is the person behind the Buyers Market of American Craft that is held twice a year in Philadelphia. The Rosen Group has made it their business to help artists to succeed. I like this book because their are interviews with actual artists.
This is my most recent business book buy, Self Promotion for the Creative Person by Lee Silber. This is a fun book to read, he's got some good stories thrown in with some really great ideas.
It's cold outside... so get cozy with one of these craft business reads.
Written by Jennifer Heynen of Jangles.
Thanks for 3 great books Jennifer. I own Crafting as a Business and have found it very helpful over the years. I just ordered Make it Profitable! Sounds like a good one.
Thanks for letting us know about these books, Jennifer! It's nice to know which ones you like and look to. There is another book that I have in my collection. It's called Marketing and Selling your Handmade Jewelry by Viki Lareau. Check it out sometime! It is also an excellent book! It's specific to the jewelry-maker! It's a must-read for sure!
Wow, thanks for the recommendations. I'm quite interested in these!
Jennifer I think your posts are great contributions to the Art Bead Scene. I always enjoy reading your post.
THanks for teh suggestion, I will look into that book. Viki is great when she talks and is full of personality. I bet her book is a good one.
Must have books in the library for sure!
One of the best little bits of advice I got about writing applies to this:
"There's a million books out there about writing. You could spend your life reading them. But there comes a time when you've got to put down the books and just DO! You'll learn more than you ever will in a book from the simple act of trying. Sure it may be frustrating and you may throw up your hands (maybe more than once, or twice, or even thrice), but ultimately these lessons will stick with you far past any fleeting paragraph. So, get up, get writing and DO!"
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