Welcome to Studio Saturday! Each week one of our contributors gives you a sneak peek into their studio, creative process or inspirations. We ask a related question of our readers and hope you'll leave comments! As an incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner.
It's 2009 and no matter how you feel about resolutions or goals, the new year is a natural time for reflection and planning ahead. 2008 was a wonderful year filled lots of new beads, new jewelry designs published and ending with 2 of my necklaces appearing in Bead Star magazine.

For me, 2009 is going to be the year of the books. I have books bubbling inside of me, impatiently waiting to make their way into the world. Some ideas have been perculating for years now, so it's time for me to move head and get the work done.
My question for you for this week's Studio Saturday is what is your creative dream/goal for 2009? Leave your comment, one lucky winner will receive a set of disk beads from me.
My goal for 2009 is to find my "creative voice". That certain something that identifies my work as mine. Developing a uniqeness of my own. Have a wonderful 2009, Heather!
Oh boy, what a great question! My immediate goals are to master hollow beads and get a button mandrel and start making art buttons, as well as making icicle ornaments I learned at the Pittsburgh Glass center. Long term, same as Christi, to find what my inner art voice is and develop it as fully as possible! Thanks for letting me put this in print!
My goal is to sell more jewelry on etsy and author a book.
I'd like to learn to do loomwork. It's just getting past all those threads!
Alice Howe
My creative goal in 2009 is to develop more skills, and dare to try new things - thinking outside my box! I know God has a purpose for my crafts, and this is the year to search that purpose out...
Congratulations on you duo magazine articles!! I got one too, but not bead related.
Anyway, I'm determined this year to create a couple of miniature bead paintings using Sculpty and acrylic paint! I have always wanted to try this but never found the time to do so. Since I opened an Etsy shop, I have now an incentive to try this.
Happy New Year everyone!
~Pat Ann~
My goal for 2009 is to setup a website and on-line store. I also want to take a few classes on polymer clay caning.
My creative goal this year s all about seeing the potential. And living up to mine!
My creative goal this year is to get my Etsy site up and running and to submit something to one of the beading magazines.
My goal is to set my Etsy shop up and get it running, prepare for the summer's Farmers Market and do a couple of shows. If I accomplish just one I will be so happy. I have so many ideas in my head.
I really want to open a shop on etsy.I'm praying it will be March.I also have the organization thing.I work in cramped space,I don't even know what beads I do have.
I wish everyone a great new year!
Happy New Year To All, My creative goal is to submit one of my pieces to Art Bead Scene becuase I;m tired of everybody else winning and I never win and I think if you guys saw some of my work I might have a chance I;m going to make that a personal goal for this year and to finally find my own voice and be more confident in my work because I'm a little on the shy side even though all my family and friends think my work is so pretty so I just have to believe in myself more I know I can do this because thanks for letting me print this !
Happy and Healthy New Year to all!
My goal is to find that one little quirky technique that will set me apart, and to find my true voice. I started out with wire wrapping and moved on to stringing then mixed media. I now must let go of pre-conceived notions and let my muse lead me to my own little niche in the Universe.
I have promised myself that I WILL use all the beads I have bought, made and been given before beginning the hunt for more!
My goal for 2009 is to be able to make enough from my Etsy to not need to get a "real" job.
My creative goal is to learn to think outside the box, literally and figuratively, to let the muse flow like a fountain beyond the limits of my mind and into a realm where I have not dared to go, yet.
My goal is to learn to photograph my jewelry effectively so that I can also get my Etsy shop up. I also would like to learn to enamel
For many years, I made resolutions. Boy, did I make resolutions!
Stop this! Start that! Do this! Do that! Don't do this! Don't do that!
But in the end, I wasn't getting anything done that I wanted to. I'd fall into a deep depression and even more of my life would suffer. It seemed like an endless cycle. Two weeks of productivity... then nothing... then even less.
This year, I have but one resolution. TO LIVE WITH HOPE! It may not seem like much, but I find it's harder than it seems, but so far... so far things have been working out. This simple decision not to despair... not to complain and moan about what can't be done or what's wrong with me, has made me more productive and more inspired than ever! I realized that when I didn't put limits on myself, creative or otherwise, the world opened up to me.
So, for 2009 and beyond, my resolution is to HAVE HOPE!
My goals for my jewelry business this year are to: learn more techniques and improve my work, take better photos, branch out more on-line ie: try different selling venues and participate in arts and crafts shows.
Happy New Year! 'love this website, how inspiring!
My goal for 2009 is to pull more of the creative spirit out of myself and put it into my work. When you love what you are doing, there is no limit to creative imagination resulting in a unique, "show-stopping" design. The only thing better than creating one of these pieces is to share it by giving it as a gift.
Happy beading to all in '09.
Happy New Year! My main creative goal for 2009 is to learn how to rivet...I think learning a new metal work skill could open up lots of new possibilities in my work.
Hannah B.
I guess it's more a dream than a goal still, but I want to sell my stuff, and I intend to work on it... I can't continue keeping all the things I make, and I can't sell them around here, so hopefully I'll start an etsy shop some time this year. I guess that also means I'll have to stop experimenting for a while and try to get some routine, though. And I really have to improve my wire-wrapping. Lots of work waiting, I'll better get started...
Happy 2009 everybody, and good luck for all of you, hope you reach your goals!
Andrew I can certainly relate to that. That is the same way my life seems to go. NO more limits. I have 3 stores selling my wares now and putting a goal of at least 3 more this year seems impassable, so I will just do what I can and if things work out then maybe God will show me the way I need to go to make my dreams come true.
My resolution for 2009 is to trust in God for all my needs, hopes, and dreams.
Happy New Year!
My goal in 2009 is similar to Andrew's, though I would add that I would add: to keep confidence/faith/ belief in myself and my work as well as Hope!
I resolved not to have any New Year's resolutions, but that being said I do have a mini "goal" for myself to create at least one or two new pieces a week. I tend to create in spurts, so now I'm going to try to be more steady... we'll see how it works out.
My goal this year is to just keep moving forward! I've spent the past two years stuck, physically and mentally, so it's time to get moving...and keep moving! No more looking back, no more what if? no more shoulda coulda woulda. This year it's going to be DO. :)
My goal for 2009 is to finish creating my craft studio from a spare bedroom, and start creating already! I have so many ideas and if I dont make something soon Im gonna pop! Happy New Year Everyone!
My goal for 2009 is to Refine.
Refine my jewelry work, so that the designs I create are unique, distinguishable among the many others. Do what I do, but better.
My creative goal is to stop getting sidetracked by all the wonderful creations that other people are doing (and being TOO inspired by them), and find my own creative voice and direction.
With knitting, beading, quilting, polymer and metal clay, scrapbooking, sewing, etc., I have a lot of skills to draw on but also craft ADHD to conquer!
Happy creative new year to one and all :-)
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