Last week's winner is Brenda. Way to go Brenda! Please use the ABS Suggestion Box to leave us your shipping address and Cindy will send out your rainbow spiral bead right away!
This week I'd like to introduce you to some new collar type pendants I have been working on. Certainly falling into the category of "statement necklaces", they are also circling on the edge of "just how would you wear that" category. If you are looking for a stringing challenge, these are for you!
Two samples for you to ponder:

The beginnings of my first attempt at stringing a two part collar:

Cynthia Deis, owner of Ornamentea, took a completely different approach. Being the versatile person she is, Cynthia noticed how this necklace can also be worn "glaze side in" as shown in the photo on the right. Wearing this necklace "glaze side in" seems to highlight the shape of the individual pieces and overall necklace, while wearing it "glaze side out" seems to say more about the color and to point out the series of holes. An added bonus: as Cynthia moved about the store, the ceramic beads gently tapped against the larger pieces, giving the necklace a whispering wind chime voice.

Thanks for stopping by. Leave a comment and be entered into a contest to win:

Elaine Ray creates her ceramic beading components in North Carolina, where they are available on line from or check with your local bead shop for availability.
Love your collars Elaine! When it
comes to my style, I think I wear just about anything. I love the chunky large pieces, delicate beaded necklaces and sometimes I just wear a chain with an art bead...really simple, but some things just look great done simply.
I like a little bit of both styles. Lately I like wearing really bold, artistic necklaces. Pieces that really stand out!
But on other days, I like a simple necklace with a small chain and pendant, or charm as the accent!
These collar components are really cool and I have ideas flowing through my head!! ;) Nice work!
I enjoy wearing a necklace that makes a statement with an Art Bead.
My style does change with the season. It is hard to sport around a large piece when it is 100 degrees outside in the summer.
when it comes down to it most of the time I wear a silver chain with a fertility god pendant that I got when I was seven. I guess it is like my baseline. But I love seeing dramatic necklaces on everyone. seeing this one inside out is awesome because you only have so many chances to wear something so dramatic. Beautiful work, Emma
Elaine, I love these bold and beautiful collars. My style is to wear necklaces that stand out and make a statement. These certainly appeal to me.
I think the colors are great. I liked the one separated by chain--nice contrast to the collars. Sometimes I find that a big and bold necklace can be hard on the neck so the chain would be a good solution.
Thank you for sharing these with us.
My style tends to be delicate, elegant, and Gothic. I'm fairly small, so large jewelry sometimes looks out of place on me, though I do have a couple of necklace that might be big enough to be considered statement pieces :)
Elaine, I love your components! The piece you made is lovely - I really like the use of chain in it.
I love necklaces but can't wear them often because when I sign interpret, my hands get caught in the necklace and it goes flying! So, I move my jewelry upward and wear earrings. I love to wear medium sized earrings made of art beads, of course!
What a unique challenge for stringing! I love the piece with the chain added to it....wonderful.
And the colors are so fresh and calming.
These are quite intriguing. I wonder how they would look turned sideways or even upside down. I wear just about anything it depends on the mood. Sometimes bold sometime dainty. Although the post about the 100 degree weather is soo true!
I tend to wear smaller necklaces most of the time, a lot of beaded spirals, but I do have some pieces that Wilma Flintstone would love! I agree with the temperature comment too. Heat, humidity and a neckline covered in beads don't go together very well!
Your collar beads are beautiful. I can't wait to see more!
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