Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Book Review -- Metalworking 101 for Beaders

Today my son and I took a trip to hunt down the book "Metalworking 101 for Beaders" by Candie Cooper. Yes, I know, I could have ordered it from, and I'm sure I would have been happy with it since it has a Five Star rating, but I'm the sort that likes to hold a book and flip all the pages and really experience it before buying. (Anyone else like that?)

The book covers basis metalworking techniques, such as transferring a design to metal, sawing, and texturing (my particular favorite method for giving metal a unique look). It also covers doming, soldering, and fusing.

Not all of the projects require that you know how to do every single technique. Some projects are as simple as making unique ear wires, while some are as intricate as making a unique bee-and-blossom toggle. It's the sort of book that you can grow with, and I highly recommend it for those that feel it's time to take the next step in their jewelry-making career.

And guess what? Among other talented bead artists, ABS's own Cindy Gimbrone's and Heather Powers' beads are featured in the book!

So what are you waiting for? Go grab "Metalworking 101 for Beaders" now!

Lori Anderson designs jewelry at Lori Anderson Designs and blogs at Pretty ThingsAn Artist's Year Off. She lives in Maryland.
Bonus: We have a copy of Metalworking 101 for Beaders to giveaway!  Leave a comment and one random winner will be drawn on Monday.


Victoria said...

ooh, this book is on my wish list. Thanks for the review, it's great to know it's a good book. :-)

Lois Moon said...

I would so love a copy of this book. I'm getting more and more into metalwork and would love a little muse from this book to rub off on me.


elisabeth said...

Would LOVE to win!

Cindy said...

I agree, Lori, that this book is excellent and I like how you described it; it's a book to grow with!

Lorelei Eurto said...

I have my own copy of this book- I highly recommend it!! It's very inspiring and I just bought a jewelry saw because of this book! Great review Lori!

Jama said...

I'd love to get a copy! I've done a bit of metalworking, but I'm primarily a bead weaver.

Christy F. said...

I was just looking at this book on Amazon yesterday! I was sad to discover that none of the local libraries around me carry it. It looks wonderful.

Gardanne said...

I wish a book like this was available when I first started making jewelry, there was nothing. I would love to add this to my library.

HollybirdBeads said...

Sounds like a really interesting book!

Marie Cramp said...

I love this book! I have it in my collection! It is truly a fantastic book, from cover to cover!

Orion Designs said...

This book looks fantastic! I would love to win a copy. I've added it to my wishlist too.

Jeannie said...

Great review Lori. I to prefer paging through a book before I purchase it.

Christine said...

Yeah, I'm definitely a book-flipper too. Rather see the book myself and check it out in person.

I have this book, and it is a HUGE inspiration. I love it!

Ann said...

I ordered this book from Amazon... it arrived and I have been in the midst of a home renovation ever since. So, I cannot wait to delve into it. What a great giveaway... if I win I will pass it to my bead friend, Judy.


Brandi Hussey said...

Oh, this has been on my wishlist for weeks, but I've hesitated ordering it because I wanted to see the projects first (I'm a book flipper). I'd love to win!

TesoriTrovati said...

I have wanted to get my hands on that book for awhile (or...maybe I have it and I forgot about it? That is entirely plausible...)
I just got two different disc cutters, I have an E3 Etching machine (more on that later) and I am all about the stamping. I think I need to find a copy of this book!
Thanks for sharing, Lori!
Enjoy the day!

Susan Marling said...

I am like you and like to see it before I buy so I appreciated the review. Would love to win the book.

mairedodd said...

i love this book! and i have found that i return to it as i am ready for the next level... great write-up!

balanced. said...

I would just love to own this book! It's on my list already.
I so want to get more into metalwork, this would be so helpful!

Eve Smith said...

Oh i might just go and buy this book, and Tesori i would love to hear about your new E3 etching machine, i also want a disc cutter i have heard pepe is a great make, that might be my next purchase.

Jeanie said...

What a generous opportunity to win this book! Thanks so looks like it's a great read.

Unknown said...

I love this book and refer to it often. It's definately a must have!

EmandaJ said...

Ooo, I would love to win this book -- I'm going to take a look at it at B&N on Friday.


Anonymous said...

I would love to have this book! It's already been in my wishlist for a thanks for this review!!

the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

Oh thank you!! I would be so happy to have a copy of this book!

Alice said...

I know what you mean about holding the book in your hands and flipping through the pages as opposed to purchasing it online. Maybe it's a bonding thing....

OK, this looks like a book to put on my very long wish list. Hopefully you will pick my name and I don't have to worry about it.


I LOVE color! said...

Congradulations..... Your work is awesome. I love your creative spirit Be Blessed

Rebekah said...

I would love to win this book. I'm just starting to get in to metalwork, and I could use all the help I can get!

Raida said...

I would love a copy of this book! Thanks for the review. I also like to hold a book in my hands and go over it before buying.

Mary Newton Designs said...

I like to be able to flip through the book, also!

Anonymous said...

I am metalsmith(jeweller) already but ordered this book yesterday from amazon UK and it arrived today..very inspiring and has given me lots of new ideas that I will share with my sister who is an avid beader

Monica Pena said...

I usually know about upcoming books from get-togethers with my beady friends, but this one slipped under the radar! Looks great!

Dale said...

As someone who loves workin with copper, this book look like exactly what i need! I'd love to get my hands on this one. *fingers crossed!*

I also love picking books out in person. I love just plunking myself down in the 'jewelry' section, and just flipping through all the books they have in to see which is best for me.

Ellen Stoune said...

The perfect book at the perfect time. I would love to win a copy! Thanks :)

Winchell Clayworks said...

I keep trying to win this book--maybe third time's a charm!

Klassy Joolz said...

I would love to win this book...please pick me this time.

Smiles, Pam

jessememan said...

oooh, thanks for the giveaway! I would love this book!

Jan Thomason said...

i would love to win this book and then call lori and ask questions!

pick me, pick me, jan

Unknown said...

Hey Lori thanks for letting us know about this! I was shopping today for a jewellery book as well. This one looks great! Blessings to the One who wins!

Patti said...

This would be a great book to win! I'd like to learn some new techniques.

Lorraine said...

That book looks awesome! I'd use it for sure.

Cheryl said...

I actually planned to go to the book store today to look for this book but got sidetracked. Winning it would be so much better! I am really interested in learning new techniques to add to my jewelry making!

Les Précieux d'Aunes said...

Ohh my, that is a great book to learn different techniques. I would certainly want to win ris one!
Thank for the opportunity Lori!

Ellen (Netherlands)

ViviBijoux said...

I had my eye on that one...I don't know if I'm posting too late, but I'll give it a shot :)
Virginie from

archdiva said...

Ooo! Hope I'm not too late to enter. This looks like a GREAT book! :)

archdiva said...

Ooo! Hope I'm not too late to enter. This looks like a GREAT book! :)