This week we are in the studio of Jennifer Jangles
Hi! How's summer going for you? I have to say mine is going fantastic. We've been to Bead and Button and to Indiana to visit our friends and family for a week. In between traveling my boys have been going to summer camp. They really wanted to do this for the summer. I had no idea what we were signing up for, but I have been pleasantly surprised. They are at camp all day and love it. That means I am in the studio all day and love it. It's an all around great thing. I feel like I have been able to get a jump start in planning my fall. Things are going to be busy around here so any head start I can get, I will take.

Unfortunately with all my planning and making around here I don't have a lot of things to show you. I need to keep things top secret until I get a bit further a long on things. But I can tell you I am working on Holiday Projects, Sewing Projects, Jewelry Projects, New Fabric, and New Beads. Whew! I have my hands in many things right now. It's super fun though.

The other big surprise to me this summer was finding podcasts. I have never really taken the time to load them up on the ipod to listen to them. I finally have done it and I am finding so much inspiration and motivation. I love them and am hooked to glazing and listening. This leads me to the question of the week, which crafty podcasts do you listen too? Let me know and I will send you one of my new flower pendants with a Sari ribbon to match.
Thanks so much for your comments, I love reading them!
I really haven't gotten into the podcasts. The only ones I have downloaded are about Photoshop Elements which I haven't even had time to listen to. I will have to look more into the podcasts and see what is out there, because I never even thought of doing that.
Hi, I am a big big fan of podcasts. Learning casually at the same time as you are doing something, and whenever it suits yourself timewise. During the last couple of months I do not listen to any crafty ones though. But I used to check out the PolymerClay one which is both video and audio. And I found a very nice video "podcast" film on iTunesU about Art Seymour chevron beads maker. I highly recommend that one.
My absolute favourite podcast is Stuff You Should Know and most of the other podcasts from HowStuffWorks.
There are quite a few really good Swedish ones too. Stil, and a lot of the ones from Vetenskapsredaktionen on P1.
That pendant is super cool.
CraftyPod is my favorite. :)
I have never listed to a pod cast. I am woefully behind in the whole technology thing. I don't own an ipod. I can barely work a basic cell phone! But I do know how to make something cool with one of your pendants and sari ribbon!
Erin (old school)
Oh! Podcasts are my new passion - after beading, of course! I highly recommend Stuff You Should Know. but my favorite crafty podcast is CraftSanity. I think she's an excellent interviewer. I look forward to seeing what others are listening to.
What's a podcast?
I have been obsessed with podcasts for years! There's no better way to make exercise fun. :)
My favorites are Craftypod, Craftcast and Craft Sanity.
I'll repeat that-what is a podcast?Should I ask my kids?
Wikipedia definition:
A podcast (or non-streamed webcast) is a series of digital media files (either audio or video) that are released episodically and often downloaded through web syndication. The word usurped webcast in common vernacular, due to rising popularity of the iPod and the innovation of web feeds.
The mode of delivery differentiates podcasting from other means of accessing media files over the Internet, such as direct download, or streamed webcasting. A list of all the audio or video files currently associated with a given series is maintained centrally on the distributor's server as a web feed, and the listener or viewer employs special client application software known as a podcatcher that can access this web feed, check it for updates, and download any new files in the series. This process can be automated so that new files are downloaded automatically. Files are stored locally on the user's computer or other device ready for offline use, giving simple and convenient access to episodic content. Commonly used audio file formats are Ogg Vorbis and MP3.
These are places to start:
I,too, have become addicted to several podcasts. I highly recommend Craftcast, hosted by Alison Lee. Also, knitting podcasts, such as NeverNotKnitting and StashandBurn. They are delightful and informative.
I know nothing about podcasts :D These necklaces are Awesome!!
I don't know if it is a podcast, but I did listen to the Artistically Speaking web radio cast last night. It reminded me a bit of that sketch on SNL where the two hosts had a cooking show on public radio! (Chuckle-snort!) They were interviewing my friend Vanessa Valencia and that is why I sought it out. I enjoyed hearing Vanessa's voice, since I regularly read her words on her awesome blog A Fanciful Twist. She talked extensively about how she came to be a self-supporting artist and what her path to that entailed. I really enjoyed her, but I am not sure that I am much of a podcast kind of gal...but you never know! I have been watching movies on Netflix, TV shows on Hulu, listening to new to me music on Pandora....all while working in my studio. I will check these comments to see if there are some interesting podcasts I should check out!
Thanks for sharing, Jennifer!
Enjoy the day!
I haven't listened to a crafty podcast, I need to get up to speed! I did watch a tutorial over at Beadeducation that was really good.
I'm so excited! Where do I email my info? Thanks!!!!
I L.O.V.E podcasts! They are easy to listen to while I'm making beads and have been a valuable source of information for me. My all time favorite is sister Diane's bi-weekly podcast. All sorts of valuable info is covered for the artist/crafter, from copyright issues, marketing and accounting....great stuff! I sound like a commercial lol! Here's a link to her CraftyPod podcasts:
I am addicted to NPR's Stuff You Should Know and Coast 2 Coast. Oh and I listen to a lot of audible books.
I just wish to say thank you for getting me to listen to CraftyPod. Excellent!
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