I just returned from a two week vacation, so honestly there is not much going on in the Humblebeads studio this week. I did manage to sneak in some new owl beads this morning and play around with a few different finishes. We have Sea Salt with the white and teal combo, Patina in the teal and bronze and Antiquity with a simple brown umber glaze. The owl is from an Athenian coin dated from around 200 B.C., if I remember correctly. (I might have that wrong, since my brain has yet to return from vacation!) Coins that were stamped with Athena on one side and her owl on the other were some of the first used as currency.
Okay, so this week's question is as short and simple as this post. Which finish do you like best for the owl coins, Sea Salt, Patina or Antiquity? (Left to right in the photo) Leave a comment and next week one lucky winner will receive the owl in the finish that they choose.
Welcome home Heather!
I'd say the Patina is definitely my favorite! I couldn't tell if it was aged copper or not! That's good!
Yep, I agree with Lorelei - patina.
I'm a brand new reader, so glad I found you, it's a wonderful blog.
I have to follow the current trend in comments and say Patina also! I just like the combination of the teal and bronze on it the best. I love owls, and I would love to win this one :)
I like the center one: Patina. However the googly eyes give me the creeps on all of the owls.
I received my bead today. How beautiful. A cross between a ladybug and a heart. I love it. Thanks!
Welcome back from vacation - hard to wind down, eh? I have to agree that Patina catches my eye first. However the aparently shaved-off, stark white of the eyes and other portions of the bead makes me back away from wanting it in my collection. I understand wear on a coin, but no coin would be a stark white material.
I guess I'm in the minority. I like sea salt the best.
The patina is my favorite. I knew you were gonna come up with a wonderful color for the coins.
I have to agree with the popular opinion, the patina caught my eye first, there is something about that shade of blue green. Spectacular.
I like the patina, it makes it look like an artifact.
I initially liked the patina best but after looking at them a second time, I think I like the sea salt better- looks more like an old coin.
Love the patina!
It seems that most of us like the patina the best and I have to agree. It is very nice indeed.
I like both the patina and the antiquity coins.It's a hard choice.I believe that I prefer the antiquity best,though.The details are better & it got my first impression.I usually trust first impressions & the antiquity won.
I like the sea salt one the best. It's bright, cheery, and perky. I think it has a bit of whimsy too, I like whimsical stuff.
take care.
The Antiquity was first before I saw the Patina. It was really hard to pick one. Spectacular new beads!!
I love the sea salt finish!
Kathy V in NM
I like the patina finish. One of my favorite colors. And I really like this bead.
It's the Patina for me! While all three are beautiful, the patina has the look of a very old copper coin. luv it!
I like the Antiquity but my favorite is the Patina. The bronze/copper showing through is very nice.
I like the patina one best also. The antiquity finish is my second favorite. I hope you're going to make all of them! :-)
Oh that's a hard one, I like them all...BUT if I had to pick one...I would say...Patina! No...Antiquity! No wait, I pick Sea Salt! Oh I can't pick one... I like them all!
They're all lovely, but I like patina the best.
Wow, I love all three owls, what a beatiful design, but my favorite is Patina.
Welcome home! I also just got back from vacation and it is difficult to get out of vacation mode.
They are all fantastic. I Love the owl design and the finishes are all gorgeous. I think Patina is my favorite, but I keep changing my mind to Antiquity as well. But patina wins my vote...I think....
I hope you had a wonderful vacation Heather. This is tough, I like all 3, each one has it's own unique qualities. But if I have to choose one, it would be Antiquity. I do think that the eyes are better on the Sea Salt though. And of course the Patina is lovely, but it's just a bit common...
Hi Heather
I agree...I do like all 3. It's a close tie between Patina and Anqiquity, but I think I'll go with Patina!
I love the patina finish and would probably go for it on almost any bead... That said, for this specific design, I think that the sea salt works better for me. I really like the way that it mimics the build-up of salt crystals on ship-wreck remains. It adds a layer to the sense of history that the bead exudes in a way that the other glazes really don't
Hey Heather !
Ok 1st welcome back!
2nd my choice is very simple I love them all but the patina would be my choice only because it looks so much like the real coins they used in those times. So if I am not a winner how can I purshase these beauties!! Pick Me ! Pick Me ! Have a Blessed week !
yup I'm with the majority here Patina holds my interst, they're all lovely but my eye returnd to it first, beauty.
Oooo! I love them all, but patina is my fav. I alos love the idea of using actual relics from the past as amodel for new beads. That's right up my alley.
Thanks everyone! We are still taking comments for the giveaway until Friday.
I have to say, my favorite is the sea salt one too. I guess that is the one that comes closest to the coin I first envisioned.
Which one would you pick if your name is chosen?
They are all smashing, but the Patina really resonated with me.
Antiquity was my first "draw" but the Patina is a close second. I really like them all and love the look of the owl. Now I'm crossing my fingers and toes....
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