Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monthly Challenge Winner

Monday, March 30, 2009
Featured Designer of the Week - Round Rabbit

Sunday, March 29, 2009
A Change is Coming to the Desperate ABS Neighborhood!

About.com Jewelry Making
Jewelry and taxes, ick! But maybe these tips will help you navigate through this beader's nightmare.
Art Bead Scene
Needing more inspiration for this month's challenge? Here are a few ideas for you!
Art Jewelry Magazine
The Bead&Button Show is featured in USA Today!
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi experiments with UV resin!
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie finds inspiration, right at her front door!
Jennifer Jangles Blog
Jennifer invites you to attend her Creative Celebration.
Jewelry & Beading
Thanks to some inspiration from beadmaker Melanie Brooks, Cyndi has an article in Belle Armoire Jewelry!
Katie's Beading Blog
Check Out Katie's Fabulous Beaded Fruit!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean designs a colorful parrot necklace with a treasure of an equisite, hand painted Russian art bead
Strands of Beads
Melissa discusses the usefulness of the preliminary sketch in her design process
The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton
Inspired by Spring, Andre compiles a shopping guide for egg-themed beads and components.
Have you heard any good dirt in the beading world? We'd love for you to share!
Gossiped...errr...reported by Cindy Gimbrone, The Desperate ABS Editor.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Studio Inspiration

Welcome to the studio of Cindy Gimbrone and Studio Saturday!
I ran a blog series this week on inspiration, what inspires me and where I find it. It's been a great week and the frosting on the cake is being back in my studio! With the cold temperatures and lack of insulation/heat in creative space, I've been frozen out for the past 3 months. I'm so happy to be back in my space and be warm!

Everything was in suspended animation for the past three months, sitting there exactly as I left it in December. I missed the studio! I'm so excited to be back, today I'll take you on a tour of the studio workbench.
I start each session by laying out a couple of specific colored glass rods to work with. I chose pajama blue and dark brown based on a color palette derived from Miro's Carnival of Harlequin. I knew I'd need my tweezers and shaping tools. I put them to the right side of the bench, since I'm right handed.
Wanting to keep some Silvered Ivory Bling Links in stock, I laid out a few rods of ivory and I ripped up a sheet of silver leaf to make the links.
I always pull out black, white and clear rods to have handy. Black and white are great base colors and you always need some clear glass for something!
My workbench has sentimental value, it's the first dining room table I ever owned. It was a gift from my father for my very first apartment. The chairs are long gone but I've held onto that table for many years. It's able to perform it's workbench function because it's laminate top is protected by a layer of tin roof sheeting and a layer of flame resistant board. I use a marble tile as a marver and place to put hot glass.

Yesterday, I lit the torch and pulled some glass stringer for the new bead series I'm working on. It was a good way to get back into the swing of things. I also popped in a few test squares for the murrini I just bought.

It feels good to be back in my studio and melting glass. I've missed my own space and my husband has missed the coffee table in the family room that was its replacement!
Today's question is, Have you returned to a creative pursuit after being forced to put it on hold for awhile? Could be because you were sick, were working or like me, frozen out of your studio.
Please share and be entered to win an Silvered Ivory Bling Link! I look forward to reading your comments!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Bead Scoop - Round Rabbit Extras

Have you checked out Round Rabbit Extra? Nancy has a great collection of ceramic components and etched copper pendants. I'm loving the copper pendants! I'm currently loving the warmth of copper and have been mixing it with gemstones in pastel colors in teals and greens.

Thursday, March 26, 2009
Fresh & Beady
And above and beyond all that goodness awaits their awesome blog, The Fresh Daily. Which has been running inspirational and informative posts lately including tips on submitting to magazines and 2009 Spring Trends.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Looking Ahead
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Fit to Print: ABS Editors in Earrings, Earrings, Earrings

The ABS Editors make a showing in the new book, Earrings, Earrings, Earrings, a book chock full of inspirational earrings designs. Beginning and intermediate jewelrymakers will find detailed directions for making the projects in the book created by a wide variety of designers.
ABS Editors are well represented. You'll find a design by Heather Powers, a design by Katie Hacker using Jangles beads and this lovely design by Barb Switzer using Cindy Gimbrone's Ivory Glass Links called Loopy Tuesday.

(Photo Credit from Annie's Attic.)
Monday, March 23, 2009
Featured Designer of the Week - Verre Designs

This week I choose Verre Designs Bubble Necklace. I have to quote the designer, who has summed up her creation perfectly, "This necklace is bright, fun and colorful. Like Matisse, I used wild and dissonant colors. The same shades of blue, red-orange, green and orange-yellow are found in my necklace and in The Goldfish". To see more of Patricia's work visit her blog.
Our theme for the month of March is "The Goldfish" by Henri Matisse. The deadline to enter for the monthly prize is March 31st! Create something that combines the theme with art beads and then send in your submission for the March Challenge.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
The Desperate ABS Neighborhood

Bringing you all the gossip from the Desperate ABS Neighborhood....
About.com Jewelry Making
Jewelry and taxes, ick! But maybe these tips will help you navigate through this beader's nightmare.
Art Bead Scene
We all need a little bit more organization. Here's a nifty organizer for your tools.
Barbe Saint John - New Jewelry from Forgotten Artifacts
Barbe talks about her love of Egyptian Jewelry.
Bead & Button Magazine
Lesley shares tips on getting organized from her and the staff.
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi prints her favorite images onto cotton to create a new fiber necklace.
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie ponders the beauty and symbolism of butterflies and lets herself fly free with a new pendant.
Jennifer Jangles Blog
Katie Hacker designed a fabulous necklace using some of Jennifer's pinwheel beads.
Jewelry & Beading
We've been concentrating on organic materials for jewelry making this month, and Cyndi has rounded up a few of her projects that fall into that category!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Come read Jean's review of this super new book by Kim Gover: Designing Jewelry with semiprecious beads!
Strands of Beads
Melissa discusses shopping opportunities for unusual stone-wrapped chain.
The Writing and Art of Andrew Thornton
Finding inspiration in an unlikely place, Andrew creates a necklace based on a Jell-o dessert.
Have you heard any good dirt in the beading world? We'd love for you to share!
Gossiped...errr...reported by Cindy Gimbrone, The Desperate ABS Editor.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Studio Saturday Remembers
Last weeks winner is LeAnn at SummersStudio, Congratulations! You have won one of Humblebead's new Dogwood pendants from Heather Powers!. Send us an e-mail with your address and we will get it right out to you.
Welcome to my studio here for LynnDavis and ExpeditionD, I've been busy making some special pieces of jewelry and I want to share the story with you.
This week I've been making pieces in remembrance. I learned last night that my aunt passed away. I'm making a piece of jewelry for my mother to remember her sister. I made almost all the components on the necklace, the faux antique gamepiece die, the replica vintage cameo.
I wanted it to be special but not obvious. The photo on the front, encased under glass in a handmade soldered frame, is taken from a copy of an old sepia photograph my mother sent me, with my grandmother and her children in it taken long, long ago. The little girl whose hands and dress you can see in the photo is my aunt.
The words are clipped from an old shabby book I'm gradually disassembling, taking the thoughts from the original writer and putting them to another use. That photo was taken in the depth of the depression, when hard times made things difficult for so many.
On the reverse side, at the bottom you can see my grandmother's feet wearing old-fashioned boots, and the words 'Listen For My Sake' because all the ladies in the family are great storytellers and good listeners, both. The metal and handmade faux ivory fleur-de-lys stand for the trinity of my mother, her sister and brother, in the family of my grandmother.
I will package up this necklace and send to my mother with a card telling her how sorry I am at her loss and how sad I am that my aunt, her sister, is gone. I hope she will wear it in remembrance, and that it will let her know I'm thinking of her.
Many people wear jewelry with the names of their children or grandchildren. My grandmother had a ring with the birthstones of all her children and grandchildren in it. I was fortunate to make the jewelry for my daughter's wedding, and a necklace to commemorate her new baby, too.
Through the ages jewelry, gemstones and silver have been used to celebrate and remember special events in families and communities. It's more than just an ornament, it's in memento mori, in remembrance of life.
So here's the question for you to answer, be the storyteller and share your story or history, a remembrance of things happy or somber, it's all part of life ...
Have you made a special bead, a precious piece of jewelry or remembrance of some event? What was your inspiration, how did you design and create it, and how did it make you feel to make it and to share it, if it was a gift.
Leave a comment, reply to this post, and you may win a memory pendant, made just for you, by me.
Posted by Lynn Davis - thanks in advance for your thoughts and kindnesses.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Findings Worth Finding: True Colors

"What is your perfect color? Apply color theory to your next design. Create jewelry with color mixing in mind.
Soft Flex® Company has made it easy to create with your heart instead of your head. Soft Flex® Trios™ were designed to show the vivid palette of emotion. The chemistry of nature and the glamour of the fashion world have been encapsulated in our Trios™ sets. Each set is comprised of three ten foot spools of .019 diameter Soft Flex® Wire. The wire spools were created using the classic colors of gemstones and take their name from the stone they represent."

Thursday, March 19, 2009
More Inspiration

Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Two New Contests

Jangles is hosting a design contest with great prizes! There are three Jangles gift certificate prizes to be won, plus free advertisement for everyone who enters. Jump on over to the Jangles blog for the scoop and good luck...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Bead Scoop - Jade Scott
Jade Scott creates resin collage pendants that are whimsical and endearing. Here are a few of my favorites:

Monday, March 16, 2009
Featured Designer fo the Week - Tesori Trovati

This week I choose Tesori Trovati's Koi Pond Necklace. I love the vibrant colors and playful use of shape to express the movement and life of the painting. To see more of Erin's work visit her blog.
Our theme for the month of March is "The Goldfish" by Henri Matisse. The deadline to enter for the monthly prize is March 31st! Create something that combines the theme with art beads and then send in your submission for the March Challenge.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Desperate ABS Neighborhood

Bringing you all the gossip from the Desperate ABS Neighborhood....
About.com Jewelry Making
New Lucky Earrings Project - Hot off the jewelry press table, here's a new earring project just in time for St. Patrick's Day
Art Bead Scene
It's March and the snow is beginning to thaw. Color comes alive in Red Fish for this month's challenge.
Bead Style magazine
Jane talks about her admiration for Brenda Schweder and her work
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi turns a gift of hand felted beads into some lovely new rings! Perfect for spring.
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie ponders her passion for porcelain, inspired by a brass embraced pendant she created
Jennifer Jangles Blog
Jennifer has announces the official rules of the Creative Celebration, check it out.
Jewelry & Beading
Seed bead artist Beverly Ash Gilbert shares her amazing creations
Katie's Beading Blog
Bead and Button will be here before we know it! Be sure to sign-up today!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean thinks Barb Switzer's new book looks extremely cool!
Strands of Beads
Melissa shows off her stash - a selection of beautiful clasps from Green Girl Studios
Have you heard any good dirt in the beading world? We'd love for you to share!
Gossiped...errr...reported by Cindy Gimbrone, The Desperate ABS Editor.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Studio Saturday - Seasons
Friday, March 13, 2009
Bead Shop Interview: Ambrosia Beads
*Ambrosia Bead Company
5607 Tieton Drive Suite 104
Yakima, WA 98908
(509) 972-3750

Is there anything unique about where your located?
*We are now located in a new building with a store front facing a major road. The natural lighting here is superb - we love it!
What kind of handmade art beads does your store sell? What types of materials do your customers prefer?
*We have handmade lampwork beads, ceramic beads, Polymer Clay, PMC beads and Sterling silver beads and charms. All made by artists in the USA!
*Sterling is always a favorite here and now I’d have to say ceramics is becoming very popular.
How do you stay current with the trends in the bead business?
*I’ve traveled to take classes in the lastest trends - I’ve also taken classes at the local college to learn new techniques. Catalogs and TV shows are also good ways to watch for new trends.
What are some of the important things you do for your business?
*We try to focus on customer service here - that’s what sets us apart from other bead stores and the craft stores. We also have a beading club that meets once a month to work on projects and socialize. (And eat good food of course!)
What role does education play in your business? Do you offer classes or tutorials?
*Education plays a huge part in our store. We offer tons of classes on weekends and mid-week. We bring in outside instructors if it’s a technique we don’t know how to do ourselves.
What kinds of art beads do you look for? Is there a bead you wish an artist would make for your store?
*The art beads that have been popular here so far are lampwork beads, ceramic beads and Sterling creations.
What plans do you have for the future?
*Keep up on the newest latest trends. Come up with fun ideas to keep bringing in the customers during these tough economic times. We still think beading is great for relieving stress!
What new bead trends are you excited about?
We are getting the most excited right now with Ceramic Beads and Recycled Jewelry (Steampunk Jewelry). There is so much you can do with both of those!
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Twisted Sistah!

Try the Twisted Tornado Crimp from Via Murano.
It is the most attractive crimp I have come across.
You can get a package of 50 crimps for a nomimal investment of $9.00.
Run, don't walk (OK click) on over to check these out.
You can even watch a video!
Rock On, My Twisted Sistahs!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Rings & Things Blog Partner Project
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Beading Workstation
It looks to be portable. This is handy if your workstation moves, it can move with you.
Get all the details at JewelrySupply.com
Monday, March 9, 2009
Featured Designer of the Week-Lynda Moseley

This week Tari Sasser picked Green Savannah Necklace by divadesigns1. Tari noted, "To me the red in the art bead represents the fish with the black and white representing the shadows and highlights. The subtlety of green in the art bead and jasper adds to the entire piece." To see more of Linda's work visit her blog.
Our theme for the month of March is "The Goldfish" by Henri Matisse. The deadline to enter for the monthly prize is March 31st! Create something that combines the theme with art beads and then send in your submission for the March Challenge.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
The Desperate ABS Neighborhood

Bringing you all the gossip from the Desperate ABS Neighborhood....
About.com Jewelry Making
Resin Bead Experimentation! Tammy has been a mad jewelry scientist lately..
Art Bead Scene
Are you a new jewelry designer looking for a way to finance your budding jewelry business? There are lots of options out there even in a poor economy. Why not apply for a grant?
Barbe Saint John - New Jewelry from Forgotten Artifacts
Barbe reviews Amy Hanna's Rejuvenated Jewels book
Bead&Button magazine
Anna offers some bead graphing information and some links to useful tools
Candie Cooper
Candie's back with some beading adventures...check out some earrings she made with her editor!
Carmi's Art/Life World
Carmi shows off her ceramic bezel!
Earthenwood Studio Chronicles
Melanie shows how she made a quick and elegant Victorian inspired collar using a thrift store belt, some lace, and a hot glue gun.
Jennifer Jangles Blog
Jennifer Shares some tips for photographing jewelry.
Jewelry & Beading
All this month, Cyndi will be featuring jewelry designers who work with organic materials!
Snap out of it, Jean! There's beading to be done!
Jean thinks Barb Switzer's new book looks extremely cool!
Strands of Beads
Melissa finds unusual beady shopping opportunities at museums
Have you heard any good dirt in the beading world? We'd love for you to share!
Gossiped...errr...reported by Cindy Gimbrone, The Desperate ABS Editor.
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Studio Saturday-Grandma Lady
As an incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner. Last weeks winner is thecolorordreams, Congratulations! You have won a surprise new flower beads from Jennifer at Jangles. Send us an e-mail with your address and we will get it right out to you.

My life revolves around my family. I have weeks where I don't seem to accomplish much at all in the studio. It's really tough when there are orders to fill. I have a family with 3 still at home, they have to come first.
Don't get me wrong I have many days where I want to lock myself in my studio and ignore everything so I can get work done. It's tough to ignore the banging on the door :) and the what's for dinner question!
Question this week is:
What is it that keeps you from getting work done?
Leave a comment and you could win 2 sets of Dot Baby Buttons to celebrate my new grandson.
Tari "grandma lady" of Creative Impressions In Clay.