Contemporary Copper Jewelry
Love the look of wire jewelry? Want to learn great metalworking techniques and complex wire-wrapping? Then you'll want to pick up a copy of Sharilyn's newest book.
This book is filled with helpful step-by-step photos for the projects, clear instructions and a great chapter on the basic techniques. The projects are both modern and ancient in influence with beads used throughout the projects. With each project Sharilyn has included extra tips and ideas to take your design to the next level.
I have a copy, compliments of Interweave Press, to giveaway to one lucky winner. Leave a comment to this post for a chance to win. I will draw a random winner on Friday, so don't delay! (Be sure to leave your email address if you don't have a blog, we'll need to be able to reach the winner.)
And now, here is a round-up of blog giveaways that you don't want to miss this week!
*Nancy of Round Rabbit is giving away a ring featuring her ceramic work. Check them out!
*Art Bead Scene editor, Lorelei Eurto is sponsoring a Green Girl Studio giveaway on her blog, ribbit.
*Vintaj has gone prize crazy and will be drawing 5 winners each week and all you have to do is a leave a comment on one of their blog posts during the week. Check out the details here.
*On my blog I have teamed up with Bead Trends to celebrate being their Featured Designer for October. The prizes are a $30 gift certificate to Humblebeads.com and a 6-month subscription to Bead Trends magazine.
Good luck and happy beading!
Would love to win this book!
wow - thanks so much for the info! and this book looks great...
Oh Wow! count me in! Althought, the last thing I need is a new hobby!
Ooh! Ooh! Pick me! Pick me! I've been eyeing that book for a while, so to get it for free would be spectacular!
Oh, Oh, Oh.....Put me in for the book! I'm crazy about wire and have just gotten started. I'm having so much fun! Lynda
Ohhh, I'd love to win this great book! Thanks!
Wow! what a great giveaway! that book sounds just like what I've been looking for and thanks Heather for the heads up on the other blogs, will be sure to check them out!
I would love to win this book! Learning to work with wire is one of my goals for 2010--so this would be a great start!
Thanks for the generous giveaway and the links to more.
I was wondering if the Copper Wire Jewlry book only focused on contemporary designs, or does it review historical ones as well?
I think add and mixing metal bases to jewelry creats an exciting visual douet with the beads!
thanks for posting some info about the new book.
Ooh - more free goodies :o) If I enter them all, maybe one of the goodies will be mine...But, I love working with copper and am getting into doing more with wire, so I would love to get this book for free...Otherwise, I will just have to buy it :o)
I would love to have a chance at the book! It looks beautiful!
Would LOVE to have this book. My friend Deb has it and she has learned a lot from it. Thanks also for the giveaway links!
Glass Goddess, it focuses on contemporary designs. They seem to be inspired and have the feel of tribal or older designs, but they are not historic in nature.
That is one hell of a giveaway! Always been interested in the copper look, but haven't had the nerve to try it until recently. I made a lampwork bead that went perfectly with copper chain, and now, I'm hooked on copper jewellery!
Sharilyn Miller started it all for me!Thank you for the info and the oppotunity!
Ooo, I've been wanting to see this book! And thanks for mentioning my giveaway! :)
This is a great prize! I learned to work with wire from her previous book so I'm looking forward to learning more! Hope I win!
Have been awaiting the release of this book! It looks wonderful!
I have one of Sharilyn's other books and it was the book that got me into wirework. That was the step I took before I got into metalsmithing. I'd love a chance to win this book!
This book just looks fabulous! I love to make swirls and spirals! Hope to win!
Can I be included too? - I'm in the UK not USA, but I've had my eye on this book as copper has become my latest obsession :)
I've been wanting to learn more about wire techniques. Hope I win! It looks great. Thanks for your generosity.
Oh, I would love to win this book!
I have been wanting to get this book for sometime! Yeah, I hope I am the lucky winner!!
Please enter me in your giveaway!
oo I would love a copy of that book! I love working with copper; this would be a great resource.
Really, Heather, I need this book... Love your blogs!
I'm in, thanks for the opportunity.
I too would love to be considered for this book. I've been playing with copper findings for a while now and am ready to get a bit more serious about it.
Sharilyn just taught some classes in my area. Her students made some amazing pieces! Please enter me for the book.
I love copper and I'm using it a lot lately so I'd love this book for inspiration. Thanks for doing this.
This is such a gengerous giveaway. It's out of my hands, I can only hope.
I have her book, "Bead on a Wire" and I consider it a must have reference book! This book is sure to be excellent, as well!
And I just started adding copper to my repetoire - this would be a great addition to my library!
I really love copper jewelry!! This would be a great book for alot new inspiration... :)
Oh that book could teach me a thing or two ;-) fingers crossed.
thanks, nicole@nicolemerkens.com
Have a space reserved on my bookshelf for this book! Count me in please
Copper's so great for autumn! Thanks for sharing the goodies!
www.jenjuddrocks.com :)
I'd love to have this book...I would have already purchased it but everytime I visit my B&N they never have it, and I just have not ordered it yet
I would love to win this book- please add my name to the generous drawing- thanks Nancy
I already have a copy of this book. It's wonderful! Who ever wins this book will NOT be disappointed!
It would be great to win this book. It's on my list books I would like to get. Great give a ways this week.
Sharilyn has a terrific online group too!
I would love to win this book! Thanks for the info about the giveaways.
Ooooo! Who doesn't love giveaways?! -HBBeads@gmail.com
You accept the Belgian?
This book looks great!
Get out! I have been wanting this since I saw in some magazine ads. Pick me, pick me!
Rachael B
International readers - yes, you can enter!
Sharilyn taught on the Bead Cruise . Her work is so impressive and she is an expert at her craft.
Thanks for all these great links! I love a giveaway :)
I'd love to have this! Thanks so much for the chance!
I'd love a chance! Thank you!
what a great looking book, I'd love to have it!
Lauren Abrams
I saw this book in Borders a couple of weeks ago and wanted to buy it so badly. Lots of great projects!
I love copper and would also love to win this book!! Susan Z
Would love to make some new jewelry! This book would be a great inspiration.
I try to learn something new each day. My library is filled with all sorts of how-to books. But, I don't have this one...yet!
What a great book - love to have it in my library ! Vicki
hey cool, I don't have this book yet but would love to!
Great prize, I'm in!
Always searching for new things to learn!! Would love to add that to my collection!! Pamela
Sorry........my email is pkingjking@yahoo.com
This book sounds great & I could certainly use more lessons & info! I really love copper!! Can I e-mail you my adress if i win? Thanks, Melanie
Wow! Love to win this book! Hope I am not too late! Ann (annrishell@gmail.com)
Don't put me in the drawing, I already have a copy! Just wanted to say that I agree it's fantastic :-)
This book sounds terrific!!
Thanks for the opportunity!!!
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