I thought I'd share this handy little chart that I printed out, laminated and keep next to my computer. It's a size chart for cabochons but I use it when I'm buying beads online and want a quick reference to what exactly 15mm looks like in real life! I also use the chart when I'm writing up project instructions or listing items on Etsy.
COOL BEANS. Thank you Heather!
Cool, thanks for putting it up here, I'm sure it will come in handy!
You are a font of never-ending beady goodness my dear Miss Heather! Thanks for sharing! That is a great idea.
Enjoy the day!
This is so fantastic - thanks! I always have a hard time remembering when I'm shopping online and this will make it much easier.
glad to help!
Thank you! This is so useful. How do you find all these things?
Oh,I love this. Thank you!
Thanks for posting this--very handy!
What a great tool! I've wanted to do more bead shopping online so this will definitely come in handy. Thanks for posting!
Great tip! I just put a link to this post on my blog. I hope it brings you a few extra clicks.
thanks for the nifty chart!
Now why didn't I think of printing and laminating it? Thanks for the great idea! I may just put mine in a plastic sleeve.
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