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Welcome to the Studio of Jangles and Studio Saturday!
Hi everyone! My studio Saturday post is the time every month when I sit down and look at what I have been working on. I think about what's new in the studio. This time around, when I thought about whats new I came up with the answer of everything! My children have gone back to school so I am back on a regular work day schedule instead of my summer hours which are whenever I can cram it in. The new schedule makes me excited to create new work and just to clear up the list of things I have put on the back burner. There is just something about the fall that makes me want to turn over a new leaf. Ha!, get it? New leaf. Okay, maybe I have had to much coffee already.
First things, first I finally got a facebook page. I got called out at the Art Bead Scene last month for not having one. I avoided it for as long as I could, but now that I am on there. I have to admit it's a lot of fun. I am still learning things and I still have to set up my fan page but for my first week, I think I am doing all right. My name is Jennifer Heynen Jangles just in case you want to be my friend. (Sorry, I haven't figure out how to link to my page.)

New links were also added to the website this week. I have wanted to make smaller links for awhile, it was the first thing on my list when the boys got back to school. Above is a bracelet and below is a necklace made with the link beads.

Happy Saturday!
Love the vibrant colours you use...makes me happy just looking at them! Very nice work;)
First, congratulations on your magazine features! I have enjoyed drooling over your beautiful, colorful beads.
Like you, my summers are hectic and without structure. This means very little gets done as far as designing jewelry. While I am sad to see the kids go back to school, I am happy to get back into a routine schedule!
Of course my first priority is to just make something. However the summer has zapped my creativity so I cleaned and organized my studio (aka-dining room). Now I am ready to create.
My second priority is my booth at the First Fridays event in Kansas City on Sept. 4. I wanted to do a different display--and chose a chose a pirate theme (September is Talk like a pirate month-arrrgh). I found a small trunk (new but looks old) and need to find fish netting and oldish stuff for the display. Unfortunately I don't think I have enough time to find all the components. We'll see. My next gig is a two-day show where approx. 10,000 people attend. I certainly don't have enough product for this, so I need to get busy!
With all that and four large volunteer & charity events coming up, I am feeling stressed to say the least!
Hi Jennifer
This fall my biggest ambition is fixing my knees and getting back on my feet in anticipation of new grandbabies! It's not beady, but it's big. Beadwise I'm working on new teaching proposals, trying to incorporate different types of pendants with my seed bead work. I like the idea of removable, reversible, rearrangeable to give different looks to one piece.
Good luck everyone!
Jennifer,I love your necklace made with the smaller links.I've had surgury on my right wrist,so I haven't been doing anything except turning magazine pages.I can't wait to get it off,then anything that has a bead in it will be fair game for me!
I'm getting ready for our annual Bead Show in Fresno. Lots to do there. I'm also trying to get things assembled for our trip to Tahoe in October. Have you ever tried to make something ugly? Not as easy as you think.
Hi Jennifer,
Everything is new this fall, for the first time in about 14 years, I will not be going back to the classroom, so I need to make my own structure in which to create. Summer schedules have been helpful, but a bit too "lazy". What I need is a good dose of sweater weather to get in the Fall mood, but by then, it's too late, Ha. There are a couple of open calls I'm creating for, I just need to get out the beads and DO IT!
Congrats on the magazine feature, I enjoyed it and I love the bracelet you have pictured here.
I'm really searching and seeking out bead makers of all kinds..you being one. I really what to use more art beads and other treasures from talented artists. Unique and ooak beads. I have a list started. I also want to master my own art bead making with polymer clay and mixed media
Next I'm writing new curriculum for the classes I will be teaching this fall and winter.
Hhmm...my to-do list....
1. Work on two beading contests that I plan on entering (deadline late Oct.)
2. Finish up 2 submissions to magazines.
As far as other activities this year...
- teaching Spanish
- working with my mom
- redecorating the studio space that me and my mom share
- traveling to visit my dad (he works out of state)
I'm sure many more things will pop up before the end of the fall. I do love fall though, it's my favorite time of year. I love to watch the leaves change, and to watch everything cool down. It usually doesn't happen around here until late October though!
Congratulations Jennifer, you seem to off on a great start. Pieces published and fulfilling your inspirations in the studio!! :)
Oh I have my fall cut out for me. I'm making 20 beach/grocery bags for my daughter's wedding in November!!
Pattie ;)
painting my rooms! That's my priority right now.
Wow, i have to agree, these do look so bright!
As for what i'm trying to get done, i have a goal to finally finish off a couple of matching earings/necklace sets for my friend's birthday. They are already late, and i really have to get a move on with them.
Jennifer's creations just shout "FUN" to me, and her studio looks like a very inspiring place to work. I *love* the little flower vases!!
- Patty
I love these beads, they are really fab! I particularly love the heart. They are so colorful and looks like you have put a lot of attention to detail. Great work!!
Fall will keep me busy. I'm moving to a new house, so lots of stuff to put in boxes. Also I finally get my summerbreak :) My goals this falls are to work on my blog and get to know the blogcommunity. And I would like to learn how to use odd materials in my jewelery.
Yes - they are definitely "Happy" beads! Love them!!
I am going to Western Legends in Utah where I have a booth by jury on the 28th and 29th. There will be a lot of stars there to see and hopfully buy my jewelry. I am having a new banner and skirt made for the occation. I am looking forward to it.
I have done nothing but work work work on this project so hard that I forgot about my birthday and going out to dinner. I just did not have the time so my husband ordered me a New York steak to eat in my studio while I worked. He is so sweet and understanding. But he wants me to take a couple weeks off when this is all over. I would like to but I have a booth at Yuachan in Utah for the next two weekends when I get back. The story of my life.
I never stop creating new designs.I need to keep my booth's full at any cost. I will be able to take some time off after x-mas. By that time I will be almost dead and then I can start the process all over again for next year. I LOVE IT!!!
My biggest item on my to-do list is setting up a studio. I have recently moved and though I tried to keep all the beading and sewing things together for the move, it didn't really happen. Now I am trying to carve out a niche for my use, it is happening slowly... too slowly!
That is so exciting Jennifer to be in Cloth, Paper, Scissors! I love that magazine. It is soo inspiring!
I love the Fall. It always feels like a new beginning to me. The start of a new year. (I guess I never really lost that from my school days.)
I find it gets busier when the kids go back to school. So much to balance. So many places to go.
Cheers to a happy and productive year to you and everyone else here! :-)
Good luck with all of your shows. Seems like a lot of you are gearing up for them. Hope they're great!
Mallory, Keep us posted on your paint colors please!
I am in search of a color for my kitchen, I am thinking green.
Don't be stressed.. it sounds busy, but fun.
I just love sneaking a glimpse into your studio Jennifer! It is so like you! And your beads are lovely as ever. I have one show a year that I do and it is coming up quickly in October I have yet to start creating. But I am now inspired to put all my art beads to good use. And I am working on a proposal for the art gallery coop I am involved in to use the local artist's works as my muse for a show featuring my jewelry inspired by art. Sort of like an Art Bead Scene challenge but local! Good luck to you in all your endeavors! Thanks for sharing your inspiration.
Enjoy the day! Erin
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