As an incentive we offer a free prize each week to bribe you to use that keyboard. The following week we choose a random winner. Last weeks winner is Carolyn, Congratulations! You have won a surprise bead bead from Cindy Gimbrone. Send us an e-mail with your address and we will get it right out to you.

This week we are visiting the studio of Jangles, where Jennifer is trying her hardest to think spring!
Have you had it with winter? I don't know about you but I am ready to be sitting on my porch in the warm sun. This time of year is really hard for me because I am longing for the warm weather and with a chance of snow this weekend(in Georgia!) it's hard to think spring will be here. I have seen hope the baby lambs were born at the farm down the road from me, that's always my sign that things will be getting warmer. Okay, enough about the outside, let's talk about inside my studio.
I just returned from the Buyers Market of American Craft last week. For me this show is always my kick off to the spring season. I know when I get back I will have orders to fill and need to start getting ready for my trunk shows and bead shows. This year, because of my worse than usual spring fever, I added a lot of flowers to my line. Below is a picture of some new pins I made.

I have always enjoyed making flower beads but I have always tried to keep them the same. I decided this year to really push my self and make some new designs, new colors, etc. With ceramic clay, I can think in my head what I think I want it to look like but until it comes out of the kiln and is finished, I just don't know exactly. It's not like a painting where you can keep adding to the layers until you get it right. I have a lot of trial and error in coming up with new work. I would say 99% of the time, I have a new beads in the kiln I am firing, sometimes I like them and other times I don't. So here are some of my flower experiments that I liked.
First of all I had to add some polka dots to my standard flowers I make. I think it's just spunks them up a bit.
I tried some white, for some reason I am in love with white this season. I usually like to add black to my colors schemes but not with this phase I am going through. I think white so much cheerier .
This is a pendant that I made a bit thicker so I could paint the sides, with polka dots.
This is a pendant I made with some texture. I really like how this one turned out, so I think I will try this one in some new colors.
As you can see I have been having some fun in the studio getting some new ideas worked out. To me, spring is a perfect time of the year to start working on new designs. This leads me to this weeks question... What are you working on that's new? Is is new designs? Is it a new display, new color combinations? Leave me a comment in the box and this weeks winner will get one of my new flower beads. Good luck and Happy Saturday!