Thursday, August 27, 2009

Green Girl Studios Giveaway!

The good folks over at Green Girl Studios sent us this awesome little collection of mermaid charms and pendants as a fun giveaway for our readers! How perfect, since waves and the ocean are this month's inspiration. This giveaway is separate from our monthly challenge. In fact we are making it so easy to win, everyone has a chance!

How can I win that sweet stash?
Your name can be entered into our drawing twice.

One entry: leave a comment to this post. Yep, it's that easy!

A bonus entry: blog, facebook or twitter about this post and leave a comment to let us know you did the deed!

I will draw one random name on Monday. So you have until Sunday night to enter.

You know those beads are calling your name!

Did you know that Green Girl Studio's is hosting a mixed media design contest to celebrate the release of Cynthia's book, Enchanted Adornments?

Here are the details, deadline is October 1st.

And don't forget:
You have 5 days left to enter Soft Flex's Flex Your Creativity contest featuring their Trios wire combinations. Deadline is September 1st!

Enter the Art Bead Scene's monthly challenge to win bead from Elaine Ray and Patty Lakinsmith. Deadline is August 31st.

And spaces are filling up on the Bead Cruise, don't get left behind! Grab those beads and head to the high seas for 7 days of beading fun with me and our instructors: Melanie Brooks, Margie Deebs, Barb Switzer, Bevelry Herman and Mary Hettmansperger. Visit the website for all the details.


Lori said...

I absolutely adore those Green Girl charms! I hope I win! *Ü* LoriB

gerri newfry said...

i'm hoping to win the giveaway. i just posted on facebook and twitter.

abeadlady said...

Green Girl is going to be a vendor at our annual Bead Show in Fresno on Sept. 20th. Their stuff is the greatest!

Kathi said...

those are great looking charms!

Kathi said...

posted about it on FB too :D

Block Party Press said...

I would love to win! I also tweeted!


Vaiva said...

These babies look just lovely! :) Especially the one that's half cat, half fish ;)

Francie Horton said...

mememe! And I linked you on my Facebook, too. :)

Andi Stern said...

I tweeted at annaline_39! :D Do you need a separate comment as a comment?

Do Be Do Bead Do said...

Would love to have these! Love your blog and work, Heather.


Heather Powers said...

Hi Andrea - one comment is fine. Thanks for tweeting us!

LaLa said...

OOH, I LOVE the Green Girl Mermaids. I have purchased some of the beads you have in your give away. That baby mermaid is my favorite! I sure hope to win!!!

FunkyMonkey Girls said...

I love Green Girl pieces...please enter me in & will link on blog:)

Funky Monkey Girls,

terin said...

The charms are adorable!

sharon said...

I would looooove to win these beads , I Adoooore them!!

Sharon said...

I would love to win those gorgeous beads!

Sharon said...

PS I just tweeted as well!

Leslie @ Bei Mondi said...

Count me in on the giveaway! Love those Green Girl Studio charms. So cute!

Canace said...

I have posted on my blog

Thank you!

Patty said...

These are great! Thanks for sharing.

Sandi said...

I would love to add these to my 'collection'!!

GGS has the cutest charms ever!


Mari said...

count me in!!! good luck to me!!!! those charms are lovely!!!

Mari said...

I also spread the word on tweeter!!!

TesoriTrovati said...

That is a stash that would surely be sweet! Count me in!

I am desperately trying to finish my ABS entry with a component that might surprise you! Handmade of course!

And the Soft Flex...where did the time go?! Ack!

Thanks for the reminders!
Enjoy the day!

sharon said...

I just blooged about it too!! Thanks ABS!!

Joella said...

Green Girl Rules:)

Jenny said...

Of all the Green Girl charms I have and covet, I love those mer-folk best! And consider yourself Tweeted! Now - to post my pix for the Aug challenge...

Anonymous said...

These charms are so darling! I'm in! Thanks for the chance.

Carlene said...

Oh, I love Green Girl charms. Please count me in!

Doreen said...

These charms are so cute! Please enter me. I blogged about the giveaway too:

Judy said...

I love Mermaids..I think I was one in my previous life! Thanks for the chance to win these.

Judy said...

I Twittered and posted on Facebook.

Vintajia Adornments said...

Just the thing for a southern summer bracelet. Count me in please

Vintajia Adornments said...

Have just posted at

Preserve Jewelry Studio said...

I have purchased several charms in the past and absolutely love them. What a nice collection.

BeadsNWire said...

You are so right... the folks at GGS are just wonderful! I always stop to visit their booth when I'm at a show. :) I would just love to win this little stash of unique pieces! How very special! I also tweeted @ the blog & contest ( Good luck everyone!!

Carol- Beads and Birds said...

I'll be happy with just one. I think I should go buy it, just in case. lol

Katie said...

Those are too cute! Love the kitty cat mermaid :o) I posted about this on Facebook.

Unknown said...

This is great! GG Studios charms are so wonderful to use they can be incorporated into so many pcs of Jewellery!
I blogged it onto Facebook as well!

Jeannie said...

So one lucky person gets all those pendants and charms. Pinch me I'm dreaming. I have Green Girl link on my blog.
I post on FB

Rosanne said...

This would be so sweet to win!
I love Green Girl Studios and I linked it on Facebook, put it on Twitter and I will blog about it tonight. Thanks GGS!

Beverly Herman said...

I love the mermaid pendants, beads and charms from Green Girl Studios.
I blog about the give away.

Kat BM said...

Ok, I just put it on facebook, I figure more people will see it there than on my blog! Thanks so much, I hope I win! lovely stuff!!!!

Marie S said...

These are awesome please count me in!

Unknown said...

These are so beautiful! They would be a perfect addition to some of the ocean colored pieces I'm working on now.

Laura said...

These are just great!!

Niv said...

hi, me too in the line,the charms are awesome,would love to have...

rosebud101 said...

Looks like I'm number 48! Love those little charms!

Anonymous said...

These are awesome!!! I'll link to Facebook too!



I hope I win! Pick me! Pick me!

I also "Facebooked" about your fun giveaway.


Phil and Cris said...

These Kaiwahine charms are wonderful! Most all of my jewelry is sea inspired and these are perfect! Hope I win!!
Mahalo, Cris

Katherine said...

Their mermaids are absolutely my favorite. So lovely!

Katherine said...

Oh, and I twittered the link as well at

FrankandRox said...

Count me in I'd love to have them all to myself!

Catrinket said...

Oh man, I've always loved that kitty mermaid bead!


RJ said...

Love Green Girl charms!!


Lucid Moon Studio said...

I love these Green Girl Studios pieces! ...actually I like ALL GGS pieces :) I tweeted this as well...thanks for the giveaway!!


Unknown said...

i blogged you

i facebooked you

and now i'm off to tweet you

(since i'm a waterbaby, i'd be mighty happy with those charms)

The Giveaway Diva said...

omg awesome! hope i win!!


Beadlibitum -Perlen nach Belieben said...

These are gorgeous!!!
I'm an aquarius so I really need to have them!

Beadlibitum -Perlen nach Belieben said...

I posted you on facebook as well.
Angelica Faja-Buschmann


Joann Loos said...

I love the merkitty! Actually I think I love them all LOL

kecia deveney said...

sweet beads! i can already picture how to use them.......

Alice said...

Wow, so much good stuff in one post! I love the Green Girl mermaid collection and would love, love, love to have it!

Thanks for all the great info!

Leslie said...

Love these charms and would like to add to my collection!

Anonymous said...

Great pieces. Love them all. An all aquatic necklace and bracelet, hmmmm.

lindsay said...

Wonderful Charms! I love the details!

bluelapis said...

Green Girl charms? Yippee! Count me in! Im goin to post on my face book right now!

TammyG said...

I love Green Girl Studios! They have some beautiful pieces.

bluelapis said...

I just posted about this on my facebook page. I hope I win these!!

Jackie Koudry said... said:

Wow! This stuff is awesome! I can think of a dozen ways to use these right off the top of my head. I would love to be the winner.

Anonymous said...

Wauw I really love these mermaid pieces!! I already have a good project in mind for these beauty's :)


Nicky Fairless said... Green Girl Studios! I discovered them at Bead & Button a few years ago and haven't been the same since! :-)

Unknown said...

i love the mermaid kitty - I WANT TO WIN

Stevie Weinberg said...

These charms are sure to revive memories of the summer seas all year long, they're great!

Stevie Weinberg said...

I also left a post on my facebook page! "Stephanie Allison Lund Weinberg"

Patty said...

Green Girl Studios makes the *best* charms - so much thoughtful detail. I love them! And Cynthia's blog is delightful too.

Rachel said...

Oh Green Girl Studio is beautiful! I am posting here. Now I'll go Twitter it.

Rachel said...

And I twittered about this, and linked it on Tumblr!


SueBeads said...

I love them, I would love to win!

Juliette said...

I LOVE the mermaid beads! It would be so wonderful to win them. :)

Andrew Thornton said...

Thanks for getting the word out about Cynthia's new book, Enchanted Adornments: Creating Mixed-Media Jewelry with Metal Clay, Wire, Resin & More. We are all really excited about the release and wanted to spread the love around. Look for the book in November!!!

Dori said...

I would dearly love to have these beads too!! They are awesome!!!

Mel Mel said...

Pleeease make me a winner !!!!!

Mellisa said...

Oooh beautiful things! What a great prize!

Anonymous said...

Green girl is my favorite!

Desert Wind Designs said...

Hi - I'm new here.

Those are wonderful beads! I also followed the link for their contest. WOW! Such great entries already!


Cindys Art + Soul said...

I love Green Girl beads! What a great giveaway! Thanks for posting it! :) Cindy

Cindys Art + Soul said...

Posted on facebook! :)

Anonymous said...

Those are too cute for words! Tweeted it too. Looks like you'll be over 100 in no time!

Christina Ann said...

Love GGS and the mermaid beads are adorable! Thanks for the chance to win them, fingers crossed.

Laura Zarrin said...

I love these beads!!!

Tweeted about it, too: @CreativeGirl

Phyl said...

Thanks for a slim chance at winning these darling mermaid charms!!!Can't blame a gazillion bloggers to sign up here....

Anonymous said...

"I gotta have those Mermaid beads! They are fabulous!" Hurt my right wrist and have not beaded for 3 WEEKS! am typing with my left hand only!


beadnik said...

Fantastic mermaids. The cat one just blows my mind!

beadnik said...

Ok! I blogged about this. :-) Did I mention I really love that cat mermaid???

Veganosaurus said...

Oh my those mermaids are so pretty! I totally want them!

MermaidHeartDesigns said...

I have always loved Green Girl products. Would love to win this cool stash!

MermaidHeartDesigns said...

would love to add the mermaids to my mermaid heart line

Andi said...

Facebooked... What a cool collection of charms. I love mermaids...

Michelle Henninger said...

Love them!

FB'd about you too!

Ann said...

mermaids, oooo! Thank you so much!

SueBeads said...

I just blogged it too! Thanks again!

The Joy of Nesting said...

I don't think I have ever met a Green Girl Studio bead I haven't loved!!!

Pattie ;)
Mazatlan Mx.

Nancy Markosky said...

I love the mermaid charms- but then I love everythng Green Girl Studio makes. Add me to the drawing- thanks.

Becky Fisher said...

LOVE these beads!

Paula Vanderburg said...

I LOVE those mermaid beads! I have just the spot in mind, hmmmm....

SueZ said...

Love anything to do with the sea, especially mermaids! Would love to own one of these beads.

sherylf said...

Holy seacow...those are great mermaids! I would love one.

GeeEyeMom said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

KV said...

Such a lovely assortment of beads!

Kathy V in NM

CQMadhatter said...

OOOOHHHHHHHHHHH the charms are so beautiful!

Lois Moon said...

Me gustan las sirenas...Love those mermaids. Sign me up.

Marcie Abney Carroll said...

Throw my name in the hat twice! I posted about the giveaway on my blog:

Anonymous said...

Those mermaid charms are absolutely beautiful! I love the branch of coral, too.

Hannah B.

CreekHiker / HollysFolly said...

I love GGS!!! Gorgeous stuffs! Headed to tweet NOW!(hollysfolly)

I post to plurk and FB too!

Unknown said...

Beautiful Charms-such imagination. I always like Green Girl Beads-they appeal to my creative side.

Lauren said...

These are wonderful! I love the cat mermaid! Thanks!

Claycass said...

They are really charming.

Post on twitter also.

Pencio said...

Je serai enchantée de gagner ces petites breloques.
I will love to win these charms.

Dzign by Jamie said...

Wow, those mermaids are calling my name! I hope I win! lol

Angenita said...

These charms are really lovely. Think about all the fun things you could make with them!

Joellyn said...

Hi Heather! Mermaids are a fav--hope I'm lucky! said...

Oooh, pick me! pick me!
and i posted on facebook too

Laura said...

These beads are GORGEOUS! I could make all sorts of cute stuff with them! I tweeted and linked to this post, too!

Desert Wind Designs said...

I added info on my blog - and posted on facebook.

Everyone have a good weekend.

MoonRae said...

Too cool!! Thanks for the opportunity to win them!

Mary said...

Lovely charms! My daughter, in her "Ariel" phase currently, would love to "share" these with me! I posted on my facebook page as well. Thanks!

Jane Langan said...

Green Girl mermaids bring out the Muse in us all!

SarahM said...

love them! :)

Hannah said...

these are absolutely gorgeous :>

ClickNCamera said...

Oh please, pick me! I would love to win! (I've added a comment and made a link to my blog.) I love Green Girl Studio and these mermaid charms!

thecolorofdreams said...

GG charms are so beautiful. I would love to win.

Cynthia said...

I love the kittie mermaid. Actually, I love them all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

Sherry Grove said...

I love Green Girl Studio beads!! Winning these would be wonderful.
I posted a link on facebook!

Sherry Grove

Valerie C./Cline Jewels said...

There are so many entries and I just don't ever win anything but if I don't try then I won't have even a chance for those lovely beads. So here it is.

Anonymous said...

I would love to win this amazing KayMI