Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Missing Link Blog Book Tour and Interview

Today we are thrilled to help designer Cindy Wimmer celebrate the release of her new book, The Missing Link!  I had the pleasure of interviewing Cindy this week.  Read about her process, tips for working with wire and why art beads and wire are the perfect marriage.

Cindy - the book is amazing. I'm so inspired by the open ended possibilities of using all these interesting links and components in my jewelry.

What is your go-to link from the book - the one you find sneaking it's way into your designs again and again?

It would have to be the Corona link.  Would you believe, it was the very first of the 30 links that I made for the book.   The Corona link incorporates coils, one of my favorite wire elements.  It looks complex but is surprising easy to reproduce consistently and looks great with any mix of metals.

Can you share one tip that will greatly improve someone's wire working skills?
It’s been said many times before, but practice really makes all the difference in the world.  I highly recommend purchasing an inexpensive roll of copper wire, say 18 gauge, and practice a link until it looks just so.  Also, more often than not, it is better to go with one gauge thicker than you planned to use.  A link generally needs a heavier gauge wire to hold its shape and to be a sturdy connector.

What is one tool you consider a guilty pleasure and one a necessary investment?
There is one “tool” that may be seen as both a guilty pleasure and an investment all in one!  That tool is the tumbler, hands down.  Do you absolutely need one to make wire links? No.  However, a tumbler can really help to set your wire jewelry apart.  It offers many benefits that I find it indispensible:  It softens tool marks, polishes the metal, and most importantly, helps to work-harden the links.

You have so many unusual links that I've never seen before like the Lightbulb and Over-Under link.  Are they the result of planning and sketching or just pulling out the wire and seeing what you can create?

I rarely sketch.  My planning is all hands-on.  I develop ideas by looking through my bowls of practice and experimental links – often times I see something that inspires me.  I also like to play around with the wire with trial and error – one twist or turn leads to another and next thing you know, a link is formed.

There are art beads on the book cover and sprinkled throughout the projects. What are your tips for combining art beads and wire links?

When you are investing in a jewelry design by using art beads, handmade components further add to the appeal and beauty.  Wire links can elevate a design in a way that commercially produced components cannot. You’ll want to check the size of the bead hole and be sure your wire gauge is not too thick. When using a heavy gauge wire, use caution so as not to chip the inside hole of ceramic or lampwork beads.  Finally, consider the thickness of the wire and size of the link are to scale to the art beads used.

Thank you for sharing with our community today Cindy!

Thank you for the opportunity to share my passion for wire with the the ABS readers!

Visit Cindy's blog today for a round up the book tour and amazing giveaways. 

Cindy's publisher has donated a copy of her book as a giveaway here on the Art Bead Scene to one of our lucky readers.  Share this interview on Facebook, Twitter or Pin it and leave a comment below.  (Make sure your email is connected to your profile or leave it in the comment so we can contact the winner.) Winner will be drawn on Wednesday, October 30th.
Grab a copy for yourself!


Deb Fortin said...

well it tried to pin this interview but it was unsuccessful so i linked it to my blog
i will try to post it to facebook but I'm not sure how . I read your artbeadscene blog all the time and love the exposure you give to so many fabulous creators.
I would love to win a copy of Cindy Wimmers new book

Leah Curtis said...

It was so nice to read more about Cindy. Her wirework is beautiful and polished - something to aspire to and very inspiring.

Leah Curtis said...

I've shared on my Facebook profile, too! Thank you!

Leah Curtis said...

I've just blogged about it too -

KayzKreationz said...

I really want this book. I've read so many great reviews of this book during the blog hop. Can't wait to get a copy. I tweeted about the interview and book.

KayzKreationz said...

I also pinned the book and the interview.

Divya N said...

The links are very interesting and so contemporary and I really want to try them out. Book sounds like a really great resource. Pining and sharing on FB as well

Anonymous said...

This book tour has been a fantastic way for all of us to get to know how valuable Cindy's new book would be for all experience levels of jewelry artists. And to have the added tips and learnings for so many who have 'test driven' some of the links is all icing on the cake. These links with your art beads are just gorgeous, Heather.
Thanks for sharing!

AntiquityTravelers said...

loved hearing Cindy talk about the book and her process for making links!

Cheryl said...

I shared this interview on FB and I would love to win a copy of this book. Thank you for the opportunity. I make lampwork beads and feel that this will help me in creating one of a kind jewelry!

Cheryl W.

moonlitfantaseas said...

I have been following the book tour, and I am amazed at how much it has made me want to get started in wire working, I definitely need Cindy's Book!!! So many ideas and so much eye candy !

kksolliday said...

What a beautiful book! I want to try all the links!

luluvision said...

Wow! That Corona link looks fabulous! And complicated too! I can't wait to check it out in the book! Keeping fingers crossed that I win a copy! Otherwise, it is going on my wish list. Thanks!

Armored Mermaid said...

Hi! This is a beautiful book and I love how they compliment art beads!

Jean Katherine Baldridge said...

great inview and exciting book!
xox jean

ACBeads said...

I've shared this interesting interview on Pinterest.

Pepita said...

I can't help myself to "oooohhh" and "aaahhh" every time I see a creation from the book!!! I would be so happy to win a copy .... Hey, Miss Fortune, here I am, waiting for you!!!

baymoondesign said...

I pinned the book at
I would love to win this book. I think it would help me to improve my jewelry. I loved the interview with the author. I though what Cindy said about the importance of a tumbler to be very interesting.

KayzKreationz said...

I thought I had left a comment here earlier. But I loved the interview. And the book looks fantastic. I can't wait to get a copy of this book and start trying all the wonderful designs/pieces I've seen along the way in the blog hop.

Here Bead Dragons said...

The more I see about this book the more I want to own a copy. I love the copper links. Will try to Pin it.


Urbanscapes... said...

Hearty Congratulations Cindy !

While I have had a chance to peek into the book - would LOVE to win it...

Its amazing how you have tweaked metal in such elegant and thoughtful designs, and nothing like collaborating with other talented artists in your book !

Thanks for proving an opportunity to win here ...


Urbanscapes... said...

And i forgot to mention:
I pinned your interview to the October 2013 ABS Challenge pinterest board...

Linda Sadler said...

Wonderful interview and book. Thanks for a chance to win.

Whimsy said...

I am so excited for this book, I can't wait to get my mitts on a copy. If I win...great. If I don' to the bookstore I go!

Cheryl said...

From what I have seen, Cindy's book really is a must have and the links are just beautiful. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book. I shared the interview on FB.

Lori Anderson said...

The book just plain rocks.

KayzKreationz said...

I pinned your interview/giveaway, too. Don't see any of my comments, so not sure they went through.

Lori Anderson said...

The book just plain rocks.

KayzKreationz said...

I also pinned your book and giveaway.

KayzKreationz said...

Hope I haven't just repeated the last 2 comments and this one, but I didn't see any of my comments and I thought I commented yesterday. But my internet acts up, so they may not have gone through. But I love the look of this book and can't wait to get a copy.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the interview. I was debating whether or not I needed a tumbler and you convinced me! Thank you also for the chance to win the book. I can't wait to see it in print.
I did pin this!

lynn said...

That is wonderful, congrats to you Cindy!!! I love the chance to win.Lynn Gonzalez

Armored Mermaid said...

Fabulous book! Thanks for sharing with us! Some new pictures here too! (I've been following the blog hop.) I love how these links look with art beads.

Deb Fortin said...

I can't wait to see the inside of this book. I've pinned it on pinterest to my jewellery board

Sarajo Wentling said...

I can't wait to see this book and play with some wire! I shared on my business Facebook page


Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

Unknown said...

very interesting book...i hope i could win this...

Chelle said...

I am not very good at pinning.. lol so I just said self tweet. Something I can do.. LOL Every time I read about this book I get excited. thanks for the chance to win a copy.

Chelle said...

I forgot the link to my tweet :?

Chelle said...

I also shared on my facebook page. :)

Inge said...

I would love to win this book in order to improve my wirework skills.

Shai Williams said...

I would love a copy of this book and I have pinned it.

Ann said...

Can't wait to get this book and jazz up my wire work!

Anonymous said...

What a great book - I would love to win!

Wendy D. said...

I'm excited about Cindy Wimmer's work -- her book looks wonderful! I shared the interview and book on my Pinterest "Jewelry Expressions" board and by email to friends who are jewelry artists.

Cindy said...

A great big thank you to everyone following along the book blog tour. I've enjoyed sharing my passion for wire and I can see many enjoy it just as much as I do. Thank you to ABS for the interview, and thank you to all who have left such wonderful comments! ;-)

Ema Kilroy said...

Thanks for the chance to win. I've th shared this link on my personal page.

Unknown said...

Gorgeous statement piece work with bead and texture. Thanks for sharing such an impressive post in your blog.
Oakland beading classes