In my on going quest to be organized I am loving my new cookie sheets. I bought mine at the dollar store so I got quite a few for not much money. They are great for carrying everything. I use mine for bead making, kiln loading, jewelry assembling, and more. They can be washed when the get dirty and they stack all together when they are not being used. I have thought about lining some of mine with fleece for laying out beads, It think it would work well.
I wish I could take credit for this great tool but it was my best friend, and art bead maker Theresa Dart of
Lily Studios who has used them for years. She keeps all her beads throughout all of her assembly steps on cookie sheets. It just took me five years of watching her use them before I finally went and bought some myself. I am glad I did, I hope you don't wait as long to try them.

This post was written by Jennifer Heynen of
I'm a huge fan of working on trays too Jennifer! Really great for longer jewelry projects or production work for quick clean up.
What a great idea, I'll have to give it a try!
I love my old cafeteria trays for the same job,(I even have a couple of metel divided trays). I also have an old shelf that the traysfit perfectly so I can switch out projects as I need to.
My husband thought of it,a few months ago he picked some up at Walmart,and told me that maybe I get those beads out of his cereal bowls!~
What a fantastic idea! Thanks your friend for us, I may just have to go get some! I use them when I enamel beads, but honestly it never crossed my mind to use them for designing! Your buttons look awesome all stacked and ready to go, you are so inventive!
Trays and cookie sheets are a beadmakers best friend. Like Heather said to, quick clean up.
Jennifer I just want to dive into those unglazed buttons.
We have no cookie trays in our kitchen because I've snatched them all for the studio. I agree that putting a bit of fleece/felt in them would make them perfect beading trays.
that's a really good idea. lining it with felt would work too.
Great idea! When I first started making jewelry I used the heavy oval Chinette plates for each project. They stacked pretty neatly. If I couldn't finish a project or it wasn't going the way I thought, I could just stack the plates while still keeping the components together.
I originally started with cafeteria trays but I found that the plastic had too much of a texture. I couldn't keep them clean. My trays go from holding glazed beads to jewelry making so they get dirty. I really like the metal for washing.
Come on over and I will put you to work glazing! Hee Hee
Baking trays are a great idea, it'll keep all my tiny beads from rolling across the table.
And the pic of all those buttons are making me hungry for cookies! eeik!
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