Send an email to Cindy Gimbrone and she'll send your prize right over to you!
Welcome to Marie's Studio!
My studio has somewhat changed since the last time I posted. There have been a lot of changes in my life in general! I gave up the Den so my oldest daughter could have her own room. That was where my studio was and I had a lot of light even in such a modest space. Emma has been a huge help to me since I was diagnosed with Inflammatory Breast cancer in May. She deserved a space of her own. So my studio is now in the dining room, a much smaller and darker space. Can't take too many good pics in there, you would not see much for the darkness! Working on figuring something new out, but in the meantime, I work where I can and that includes the kitchen table where these pictures were taken...
I am working on something that has been a customer request for awhile now. Earring pairs tags! I am starting with these in a new shabby chic style! I have a few customers that love the shabby chic style and I have not had much to offer them so I have been trying to come up with something new to satisfy this need.
The pattern is called Toile. It is from the original style of Printing a story onto fabric that was started by the Irish and adopted and made popular by the french in a place called Jouy, France. Hence the actual name of Toile "Toile de Jouy" These Toile images normally came in complex pastoral scenes and floral arrangements. The long sheets of fabric would be printed and laid out in fields to dry. Imagine the beauty!
These are the charms, all ready for a top coat!
Here they are drying. You can tell from these last two pictures that once I add the top coat they become more vibrant and the colour stands out more.

Here they are along with the Raven charms I posted the other day. All done and some still drying! You know what that means, I should be taking pics and listing right away! It has taken a little longer than normal to get them completely finished, but that has a lot to do with this week being "meet the teacher" at school! That and my anniversary. Life goes on even in the studio!
So that is what has been going on in my studio this week and a lot of the rest of the time. Creating these takes 3-5 days with proper drying times. I don't want to send you anything that might not have had enough time to cure. They should not stick together if given the proper curing time. No sticky or tacky top coat and especially no streaks! These have a very smooth finish.
I hope you enjoyed learning a bit more about what I do. Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have and I will do the best I can to answer them!
Leave a comment and you win a pair of my new Toile Charms! I'll even let you pick your color!
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Those are so charming --I love how their old-fashioned look. I like the ravens too :-)
Your raven tiles are just fabulous, and I love the old romantic feel of the earring tag pairs. It looks like you are keeping busy and making do no matter where you create.
Love the ravens, Marie. I'll be watching to see how the earrings turn out when they are finished.
Kitchen and dining room - I know the feeling too well. Even though I do have extra rooms these two just have the best light (or maybe it's the thought of setting up and moving everything to a new room!).
Those ravens are spectacular, and I've alway been a fan of toile fabric. All beautiful, Marie.
Thanks for the peak into your studio.
What a treat to take this peak into your studio. Love the new toile earring tags. Thanks for sharing a bit about the history of this print, too.
These turned out so pretty! Love <3
Marie, these are beautiful! I continue to pray for your health and wellness. It's great that you feel well enough to continue doing what it is you do so well...creating beauty!
Marie, So nice to read this post and look at your pictures. The new Toile design looks so great. I'd love to win.
I am so sorry to learn of your cancer diagnosis and will be keeping you in my thoughts. I love the new Toile Charms and I thank you for the history. I've always gravitated toward Toile, but never knew the story behind it, now I love it more. Your Ravens are fabulous and I may just have to help myself to a few of them!
Love the new Toile design! Those earrings tags are so sweet and feminine. Beautiful work!! <3
All your tiles are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful pieces Marie and so glad to hear that you are feeling up to creating.
Thanks for a peek inside your workspace. I'm stalking your etsy shop so I can get my hands on a few of those ravens. Maybe I'll get lucky and win a pretty pair so work with too!
This was very interesting. I love those new ones. The shabby chic look is very sweet. Your customers should love them.
Thanks for giving us a peak into your world! The ravens are really cool.
These are so gorgeous! And it's fun to see so many lined up in rows! I see one laying there I JUST bought a couple of minutes ago! ...and one someone "snitched" from my cart before I could make the purchase! ha! I love using your art tiles in my jewelry! (And I must be grateful that a drawing here at ABS lead me to your work in the first place! Many thanks!)
I really love the raven tiles!
I love the Toile pieces!!
So many ideas coming
I love the ravens and the Toile tiles are amazing, discreet design, beautiful palettes...
Great post! Thanks for sharing!
I love the pieces that I ordered from SJ - they are beautiful! Will keep you in my thoughts Marie, and hope you are doing better
I love the new earring tags! Thank you for a peek into your creative process!
I hope you are feeling better!
Great post! I'd love to win some of your beautiful pieces. So glad you've been able to keep on doing what you love. Thinking of you always, across the big pond x
those tiles ar SO gorgeous!
Absolutely beautiful Marie, if I wasn't an abs editor I would love to win! They are so charming and quaint.
Wow! Those are terrific! I love the toile. How large are the tags?
I'm new in your blog!
Your works are very good, and these Toile too!!
I have a similar fabric in red (industrial things), but I didn't know the story of the Toile and it whose very interesting to know it, thanks!! :)
...excuse my english!
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