Our T.V. for instance. It is an older model and has been prone to throwing fits of color tantrums. It will suddenly decide to throw out all colors but magenta. Which when watching a movie with highly saturated colors can make for some interesting schemes! I have a few designs planned with these colors in mind. Nature has a plethora of inspiration. Ocean colors and shapes. Forest colors and shapes. Sky colors and shapes. I find it fun to mix them up and put them together. Here is a fun exercise to get your creativity going on a different track if you feel stuck in a rut...
Write various colors, shapes, textures and materials onto strips of paper put them in the old hat and pull out three or four. It could be a fun jumping off point for some serious design! Sometimes if I feel like I need a push into unfamiliar territory I will sketch or draw a few ideas. Sometimes, as much as we love our first ideas, they may be a bit off the mark but playing with an idea can sometimes produce something that does hit mark. Play! See what happens!

The colors and style of this bracelet were inspired by the movie "The Darjeeling Limited" while our T.V. was on the fritz!

The vibrant blue and green hues in "My Neighbor Totoro" were the inspiration for these charms.

A friends beautiful "Day of the Dead" fabric was the thought for this one.
Written by guest editor, Gaea. Visit her website to see more of her amazing creations and her blog to catch up on what's new in the studio.
thanks for a good dose of inspiration today Gaea! I love the beads inspired by tv. So watching your favorite shows is now product developement!!!
I find that I'm often inspired by shapes and textures. I love looking at biology textbooks with illustrations of types of cells or of microscopic organisms. Sometimes a creative exercise is useful. The one you mentioned wit the slips of paper is great. If I'm in a real slump and just can't seem to work, I make myself go out and tidy the studio and my work table. When I'm on a roll, I don't usually take the time to organize. The truth is, I will often start making things just to put off organizing.
Great post! I'm at the point where, to make my pieces different, I need inspiration. That is not my strong point. I'm too regimented. Probably why I like chain maille patterns. However, even the most successful pieces of chain maille need inspiration and originality.
Andi, cleaning or organizing things is my method of finding something I've lost but now I can add inspiration. I still don't like to clean or organize but now I can have a method to my madness.
Thanks for the post and comments.
Cleaning! I knew there was something I was forgetting in life! It can make such a difference to start a project off on a cleaned and organized foot. I sometimes forget that I have something, too.
How motivating!! My latest attempt to expand my brain had me in some classes...I tried my hand at stained glass and then at polymer clay. Some wonderful teachers have me thinking in entirely new ways!! Plus, I met lots of fun folks along the way....
I love all the beads, they are so special and I would wear anyone of them. :D
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