You love what you do. Other people may even love what you do. You may even be getting requests for what you do! So how do you get the word out to greater people about what it is that you are doing? Shout it from the roof tops? Maybe. Knock down every door? If that feels right. Sit back and wait for some one else to notice your special talent and sing your praises loud and clear for the whole world to hear and maybe give your special work to the right person who may pass it on to a special highly visible someone (hello, Angelina Jolie!) who in turn wears that special thing on the red carpet of some premier where she is asked repeatedly "Who made that extra special something you are wearing? WHERE CAN I GET ONE!!!!" that starts the ball rolling to form an avalanche of publicity for you? A girl can have a dream can't she! Foot work. I'm talking about getting out there and getting your feet, hands, mind (well, maybe not your mind! Ok. Maybe just a little!) dirty. A bit over the top and dramatic but my point is this, no one will know you exist unless you let them know. Your message doesn't have to be loud and flashy if you are not a loud and flashy person, but if you are then that's great too! I am always surprised at how just wearing a piece of jewelry I've made can garner attention. It is of course great if there are other people out there wearing it too!
In Calvin J. Goodman's book
"Art Marketing Handbook" there are many examples of how to market yourself. The book is designed for artists but the information translates well for other artisans and craft folk. Suggestions like, groups or guilds, like Art Bead Scene or
Beads of Clay give good and much needed support for individual artists. Safety in numbers, right. Some of us are not as confident to go out and knock down doors in person as others and If it is in your budget, hire someone to get the word out for you. Basics like Google Ad Words listings or even Etsy or eBay auctions are great for getting your word out about your wears and making a possible sale. Advertising in a magazine can be a big but pricey step. Not every self promotion needs a price tag. Offering a class on what you do, a demo or party from your home to show case your work can be fun. A simple postcard for mailing or handing out on the spot. Local post boards where you can post a flier or business card. Craft fairs, farmers markets, web sites and blogs are all useful tools. As in many areas of life, it is all about the tools in your tool belt. So tool up people and hammer it home!
Great reminder Gaea!
Also, there are many design blogs like Modish and Indie Fixx that offer affordable advertising. That might be a good place to start for jewelry designers before they are ready to jump into magazine ads.
For more marketing ideas check out the Switchboards at http://www.theswitchboards.com
Check out the Frabel Awards
I think you should enter
Well said, Gaea ~ you have some terrific ideas...
I know the wonderful energy you put out draws people to you and your creations.
Having positivity is one of the best tools in your Goddess Tool Belt : ).
Wow ,Thank you for such a great message. I really needed that. So encouraging, lately my fear of rejection is overwhelming.
I need to do this!!! I do a few of these already, but definitely need to get out more! Thanks for sharing and the important reminder!!!
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